As it is the toothpick rule the PvP world. What's if they simply introduced pure elem and pure shadow flourishes to end the skolver cloan wars? Would this be good? Bad? Is there a reason why it would be bad other than simply being alienating to all the guys who invested heavily in max pierce skolver coats?--and is that alienation a good enough reason to not to do this when the game does not worry about alienating its player base with regards to any other investments they've made?
Also if you think it would actually make it worse, then please discuss why with a well thought out argument why it would actually make PvP worse.
At least on a basic level this won't bring about much change, the casual PVP will adapt a bit in it's choice of armor certainly
but on a more competitive level it will certainly bring about a new era of armors in accordance with the angelic line or otherwise
however it will make things more random IMO as adapting suddenly to new weaponry will be harder and having 3 radically different toothpicks will make visual distinction at a glance much harder than it already is
just a noobish opinion here