In other news, my brain (and finger) are a little numb.
I'm ready for year two!
That would be evil if confetti would expire just like weak mastks and tokens, and its not in description becouse of a bug.
Can you explain why your fingers are numb when you can hold Shift and click for 10 at a time?
pfft, 300 clicks is nothing :P
Have you ever tried to buy more than 10 items at once in spiral knights?
Because I could also just modify, you know... this too.
You should sell them 1 day before the next anniversary
"Selling Confetti, Get ready for the anniversary! Just 5,000CR EACH!"
Then they realize vendors sell them for 300cr.
Master of trolling.
I high-alch to 80+ Mage in RuneScape without macros.
Come at me bro.
Well, at least high-alching is profitable. I alched a lot of addy plates in my day.
Man, my goal was once to try and mine and smith runite as a free player. Never made it though. I got up to mining addy almost and I was starting on smithing mith.
People are already making an insane profit on Confetti. 2000 cr on bid for something that sells for 300 a pop, and people are actually taking it? Sheesh.
I plan to make silly use of this in the future, if I don't sell them all. Kill someone in Lockdown, confetti. Rinse and repeat.
>Whimsicality giggles.
you bet sirenblue xD.....*loads up lockdown* hehehe.........
Now if there was a way to map a hotkey to using a specific usable item...
>uncontrollable giggle fit
Ready to party all year round.
Might as well buy 333 more, make it look pretty.