Ok, I was running fsc today with a guildie and 2 other people, and in one of the red treasure boxes there was a firecracker. Say it was, Fiery Atomizer. If I soloed before we picked it up and then I picked it up, would I get it?
Question about equipment drops...
the equipment drops are rare but its like materials it goes to a random person in party, however if you went alone and you got a equip drop then you would have guaranteed to get the drop. the bigger the party the more the materials are split
I've been meaning to test this out.
Once the box is open, the drop already choses an owner. Else, people would split up to get 1 of those each.
From what I understand once the box is broken it goes to a random person in that group even if they went solo or were removed from group. The person getting the material is determined the moment the treasure box is broken.
Ok, thanks guys :) Was wondering that, now I can add a bit o' knowledge to the bank
Not working. The person who gets loot is choosen.
Tested it. We were in 4 in a party. Le wild item drop appeared. Everyone spread out. Only 1 person had drop still there after loading. For all other it dissapeared.
I think it was kid of stealth patched some time ago since i didnt saw it mentioned anywhere and it was possible before.
This belongs to the new recruits forum, or whatever its called.
Basically back in maybe 1 month after beta? Me and some friends were doing a run. From one of the boxes, a gran faust came out. the leader, a crooked guy, kicked the rest 3 of us. We all got kicked. But when the game appeared again, i noticed the thing still lying there. So yes, even if you get kicked, or solo, you get the item. Thats why people tend to solo after killing a love puppy in case it drops a heart trinklet. Same with tortodrone.
You got the item because you were randomly chosen to win it from all the members that got kicked.
"Thats why people tend to solo after killing a love puppy in case it drops a heart trinklet"
It may work the opposite way, go solo BEFORE killing it. Anyways your experience is too old to take it seriously. Too many patches have been rolling on.
I forgot to mention in my previous post.
When we all went solo with that item lying on the floor. It dissapeared for 3 of people and was still there for 1. So the item chooses its master in the moment it drops and fallow him if he gets kicked or go solo.
Tested it. We were two people in the party, a 2* Toxic Vaporizer came out of a box. I went solo, the party leader didn't do anything. As to what the leader told me, the moment I went solo the item disappeared with me. After the loading I could pick it up, while the leader was left with nothing.
So as other people said, the game chooses who gets the item even before it's been picked up.
The wand chooses the wizard, Mr. Potter.
Never thought of that. o_o