That hurts me Art. D: Besides... I don't have it. I have a TON of drawings on loose sheets of paper. and I lost them. D: SO THERE! You got lucky Artist. D:
Draw a Knight

Hey art, I've got. A joke 4 u.
*points at arts face*
Doesn't that stuff belong in the trash?
OHHHHHHHHH!!! In yur face!!!
Another joke
*art comes out with garbage bag*
Art:I'm taking this to the dump
Me: u mean yur taking that trash to yur face?
This is me

I have a feeling the Swarm can copy Knights too

I drew this a while back ( and I'm currently drawing another piece inspired by the SK tune "Somber".

Heres my drawing. I custom colored the Black Rose set and mixed it with the gold and purple Rose sets. I call the new items the Violet set! The character is holding a final flourish. Heres the link:
And another one just for fun: here this is my character not much but it is my best one
Someone really needs to draw one of the upgraded brandish swords (A.K.A) nightblade fireburst etc)
Please don't.