Where do I get the recepi for Ash Tail Coat and Cap?
Ive been doing Basil Runs for quite some time now and never found it?
Ive been checking the other vendors every day.. but its nowhere to be seen.
And the Wiki says Vendor: Unknown
Where do I get the recepi for Ash Tail Coat and Cap?
Ive been doing Basil Runs for quite some time now and never found it?
Ive been checking the other vendors every day.. but its nowhere to be seen.
And the Wiki says Vendor: Unknown
I got Ash Tail Coat from Basil in the middle of Tier 2, so it's there. You're probably just having a spot of bad luck.
Thanx for the help..
Im gonne tell my friends to keep an eye out for it :D
I have the cap recipe for sale. What's your in-game name?
Tier 2/3 Basil. What he stocks is random. It took me around 90 trips to fill out my 3/4* set.