Just the suits, not the headgear - I already have what I need there.
Send a tell to Levi, if you can catch me online, or reply here.
Just the suits, not the headgear - I already have what I need there.
Send a tell to Levi, if you can catch me online, or reply here.
I'm interested in :
- salamander suit/helm
- chroma suit/helm
in game : Fiber-Optic, pv me.
I can only craft chroma set. Send me a mail instead. You can just send with the materials and cost. Your trust in me is all I need and you'll get your chroma set within a day, if not, half a day.
-Syor, Team Dai Gurren.
yea IGN: Syor.
I'm Syor <--- ign. You can send me the materials and cost and I'll send you the suit, no it's not premade and I ain't got extras. I have it for costume xD
Oh I've already sent you a mail in game.