Elitez Is a new tier 3 guild looking for active, fun and talkative new knights to join! We hope to start running some guild lockdown, blast netowork and some guild game events with prize give aways!
Recruitment tittles are as follows:
Recruit: You become this when you join the guild.
Member: After 2 days of being in the guild.
Veteran: 3 Weeks of being in the guild.
Officer: Must be a trusted member who is active everyday.
The biggest requirements in this guild is that you have fun, don't fall out out with fellow guild members and that you stay active. We have a policy that if you have not been online for 2 weeks without letting an officer or guild master know, then you will be kicked from the guild.
Guild masters and officers of the guild:
Guild masters:
Interested in joining the guild? Then please answer the following questions either using full sentences or putting the question before the answer one by one. You can either send mail to one of the guild masters/officers or post below.
-Why do you want to join the guild?
-How often are you online?
-What is your favourite activity on Spiral knights?
-What is your best weapon, shield, armor and helm?
-Why should we accept you into the guild over others?
Edited veteran requirement. Now 3weeks instead of 2 weeks.