The final phase of Vanaduke is probably the one I have the most difficulty with, mainly because of the spawning Slag guards. What is a good way to deal with them? I heard killing them outright doesn't always work because they respawn occasionally no matter what.
How to deal with Slag Guards?
Step 1: Craft Supernova or Valiance
Step 2: Kite and shoot vana in 5th phase with either Supernova or Valiance
Step 3: ???
Step 4: PROFIT!
Make sure to move in a circle around the map. This will keep kiting you out of harm's way. Just ignore the slag guards. Vana will go down eventually.
And if in team, just Blitz Needle their back when they stop charging while someone freezes Vanaduke. Like every other Trojan like mob. They even make the same sound!
Thanks for the link.
I usually don't solo, so even if I kite vana the slags might unexpectedly charge at a teammate and hit me from a spot I can't see them from.
eh, those are most likely your team fault. Well, if they are used to doing vana a lot, they should manipulate the slag guard to dash on empty area that you won't run into. You could say... if your team is pro, they'll help each other to maximize damage. (ex: distracting vana away from other 3 teammates) if not, they are like "I am going to eat this monster alone, I don't care where you are, go chase this monster I am killing if you want, but it's not my business"
They always spawn at the same place and same position unless you are standing on that place.
Vanaduke summon another wave of slag guards for a specific period of time. You can kill vanaduke fast enough that he didn't have time to respawn another.