And since your attention is the only one it's drawing....
And just because it doesn't happen to be beneath his post doesn't make it any less a signature. You are the only one who finds THAT aspect of Falconn's posts annoying.
As per Duke's post, I would like to say that I really am excited about these changes! I would like to also reflect the concerns that others have voiced. Please give existing players the one time option to change eyes and height, and then include it to rechange in game as with the color pallet. I have changed my personal color and am very glad I had the option to do so, but the first chance should be free, especially to free players who as one other player mentioned, have never had that opportunity.
The charge attack change looks quite nice, and all in all, I'm starting to get quite excited about the next couple of months on SK!
Technically, it's not Spamming. It's still in the same Post. If he was Spamming, he would've just put "FALCON PUNCH!!!" in every Thread as a Post with nothing else.
EDIT: Lagtastical Crap.