In a future update charge attack will be changing in a small but important way so I wanted to give everyone a heads up.
Currently when charging any weapon, taking damage results in losing some of your charge. Once your charge has hit max, it can further lose its charge if you take damage.
The upcoming change will result in the following:
- When charging any weapon and taking damage, you will lose part of the charge (the current behavior).
- When charging any weapon and hitting 'max charge' you can no longer lose charge by taking damage.
This means that once you hit max charge, you can hold on to it as long as you hold the charge and are still alive.
What this change does:
- Players who experience issues such as not placing bombs due to damage taken just before placing them will no longer have any issues of this kind. Once you see that you are at max charge, the attack is yours to fire.
- The risk/reward element of using a charge attack is retained as you can still take damage, however much of the frustration of losing it is removed, allowing you to 'brute force' a charge attack.
- PvP will obviously play out a little differently with this change encouraging more coordinated efforts to kill bombers instead of just dealing chip damage to them and interrupt them.
Overall this will be a positive change for the game, mitigating frustration and reducing latency issues.
As long as piercing swords still have gun-like range and can finish before the strike due to latency or whatever, I am not sure if PvP will play out differently... but that's just me.