So once aupong a Clokcworks there was an Knght called Powpowpowpowpowpowpopwopwopwubwubwubbassdrop and his bes fren fivever Little Cloud
Popopoopow and Cloud went to the Dark Trojan gaite one moring and maed planz to eat jelly nd hten go down to the Treasure Vault and annoyt everyone there and make aaweseose fanfics of each other andtrh fun jelly party they jsutshad
on their way to the jelly king oryal place they ewere attacked by a WILD HAPPYPAPATHY. LilCloud and poopoopoopooppopcorn got into an panic and thein they pulled out their VOLCANIC PEPPERSORD which was like Pepperbox that shot tiny Brandishes
But unfortunaetly they left the backpack with the VOLCANIC PEPPERSORD in it during their trip to the mens room earlier and so all they had was a bag of peanut butter and tosast that they were gonb to eat the jelleh with so instead popcorn pulled out his SCOTTISH CLAYMORE energ sowerd and attackeed Happappapapshooshpap with it but he dodged and got away, and pulled out his magnus and shot popwe in the faec and theri was BLOOD and much dead everywhere
and hen littleClogs was mad tat popopowowpowpwowpowpowpwopw was daed and took vegneance by tryin to make hoaoaoopasoapathy choke on the sandwichse
but then hpsapthy eated him
and then Mejeezfeld came in and there was mad rave party and then they all ewent to Kakukaku Shikajika's apartment in his Daihatsu and they acll bucked trees then egnd
(that felt good somehow)
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