Right, so I'm stuck on whether to follow the Drake Scale path or the Jelly Mail one.
The actual thing I am crossed over between is the fact that the 5* versions of Drake Scale have quite a high resistance to two elements, while the Royal Jelly mail has the a higher resistance but only to Piercing (and Normal). The Ice Queen Mail has, at level 10, the highest Piercing defence there is, but would require me to either get to the Sanctuary or buy it from the Auction house (at a very high cost, I would believe).
I've checked the Quicksilver Mail line and, although it has by far the best looks, is quite a bit under the other two at it's 5* version. Is there even any difference or is it just a mistake?
So, in all, is it worth following the Jelly Mail path to Ice Queen Mail (after getting a Shadow Key, doing the Shadow Lair (and surviving it!), having the energy and money to craft it when I actually get there etc.) or just go for a slightly less powerful defence but have 2 of them?
Is Normal much help at all above tier 1?!
Or, should I just scrap all of those and go for the Wolver lines even though it looks a lot less powerful then the previous...?
Oh well, random coin flick time!
Wolver all the way. The difference in defense is not oh-so-big to miss the damage bonus.
Unless of course you dont use swords at all wich make such bonus useless.
Also normal defense is always usefull. Many attacks still deal a portion of normal damage even in T3. Drake is only good on very specific cases.