Does anyone know the current Sudaruska dmg numbers per hit?
So i have the Khorovod, and was testing the dmg per hit down in fsc.
I was wearing:
Vog cap
Skolver coat
Barb Shield
and Khorovod
The damage was Very High on my swords with that set up and I was getting
287 dmg first hit / 351 dmg second hit in the two hit combo.
The charge first hit was 550(i think).
How does this compare with the 5* Sudaruska? Is there a big upgrade from the Khorovod?
See the wiki page "Sudaruska". Or are you asking, because it may have changed in the recent update? It's hard to compare those numbers to yours, because of your damage bonus. Also, what level of FSC were you on?