I can't tell the difference between the Brandish or Calibur. I just want to know which one is better.
Brandish or Calibur?
The difference is in the 'charge' attack. Hold the attack button for a while until it is charged, then release.
You should probably go for the brandish line because the charge is useful and 3 of them have a decent effect.
Caliber is basically for up-close combat like running up to a lumber. Using the brandish's charge, you can do high damage as well as an additional effect (if not the shadow branch) dealing slightly more damage (or an extra charge if you choose freeze branch).
At two stars, the Brandish and Calibur are the same sword besides in the charge. However, the endgame versions of the Brandishes are more useful for a swordsman than the endgame Caliburs.
Brandish line will always be better than calibur.
The brandish line splits into five at 3*:
Cautery sword: Pathetic
Nightblade: Awesome for Royal Jelly, not at all for Firestorm Citadel. Opt only if you're f2p and doubt you can hit T3
Fire/Ice/Shockburst Brandish: Awesome on construct levels, such as the Ironclaw Munitions factory. Fire is the best as it causes most damage, but is not so awesome at firestorm citadel, where ice/shock is preferred.
The Calibur line splits into 2 at 4*:
Ascended Calibur: A better 'general use' sword
Cold Iron Carver: High Undead bonus, but I'm not sure if it is used much in Firestorm. I think Glacius would be better due to the freeze effect there, but I'm grinding T2 now and have no clue.
The Calibur outshines the brandish at saving your skin: The charge attack causes a huge knock back that never fails, unlike shield bumping which has rarely worked at RJP for me. The Status Brandishes only cause a status with the 'explosions' of their charge attack.
The brandish is thus better at dealing damage than the calibur, but you will need to upgrade two of them to be prepared for any eventuality: Nightblade, and fire/ice/shock. Of course, status-themed enemies are immune to the status and so you may end up upgrading all four. If you can, it's worth it. If not, the Calibur is still there. It's a very good sword if you can't get one with a damage boost.
For Royal Jelly:
I assume you have two slots. Get a nightblade for the slimes and an elemental gun for the constructs. If you have another slot, the calibur's charge attack destroys those irritating puppies with a single blow.
Try the "Calibur vs. Brandish" part of my sword guide.