Hello, General Discussion Forum!
You may or may not have seen me before in the Suggestions Forum, where I usually shoot myself in the foo-- I mean do my best to contribute, but I've decided to open myself up a bit to the rest of the Spiral Knights community. I've been playing Spiral Knights for about nine months or so now, and I feel like it's probably time I get a bit more involved.
Since I don't feel like that was a particularly meaningful self-introduction, I thought I'd share some stories with everyone. I recently took an English writing course at my college, and one of our "icebreaker" activities was to write down a few simple questions to ask the people in the class. One of the ones I came up with was, "What's the first thing you think, say, or do when you see roadkill?" My professor thought this was one of the best questions, since it got people to actually start telling stories about roadkill. Unlike the usual questions that incite two-word answers (e.g. "Who's your favorite rock artist?"), the roadkill question had people chatting up a storm and really getting to know each other better.
Anyway, let's cut to the chase: story time.
I think the most fun I get out of Spiral Knights is when I can deal tons of damage to enemies, so I'm constantly trying to find more ways and places to do it. I mean, what's better seeing a good flurry of damage numbers and health pips flying out of a pack enemies? My answer: seeing a good flurry of damage numbers and health pips flying out of a single large enemy, having that enemy explode into a massive pile of goop, crowns, heat, and other drops, and finally, stepping all over that enemy's core so I can clean up that pile. I understand that there's a couple of slimy citizens who might fit this general experience, but it doesn't really matter which one - they're all fun.
The trick? My Umbra Driver, a Giant Lichen Colony or the Royal Jelly, and a bit of experience.
Many Alchemer users probably know that a single charge shot can hit a single enemy several times without having shots bounce off of other enemies first, just because the shot hit slightly off-center. I personally think that this mechanic makes using Alchemers extremely fun, because it rewards so much for just a little extra aiming. When a Giant Lichen Colony comes charging at me or I see a break in the Royal Mini crowd, I'll let loose a charged Umbra Driver shot and BOOM. Loads of damage numbers sailing happily upward.
There you have it, folks - my current "most fun experiences" in Spiral Knights. Anyone else have something they'd like to share?
P.S. If there's already a big thread for this, or I've put this thread in the wrong subforum, let me know. I'll promptly hang my head in shame and failure, then move this thread appropriately.
Yay i'm the first person to post on this thread and i liked it when Nick and most others on the forums appreciated my idea for the next featured auction.