hey hey hey!
I've gotten a decent number of templates done now, and they're adequate for general use.
feel free!
oh, and if you have any questions leave a msg on my userpage.
Lots of templates
Sat, 04/14/2012 - 16:18
Sat, 04/14/2012 - 20:36
yeah, I've already found a few users outright copy pasting. I flaged one of them and the user called me a vandal. lots of fun.
on my front-end page I have referenced your front end.
keeping it awesome ^_^
Very nice collection. :] As you already know, I've been hard at work on some of my own Templates the past few days. They're more for mechanics right now though (e.g. the 4-column Achievements list), rather than for building an entire User or Guild page. I'll probably be developing a solid collection of functional/modular Templates before I move on to entire page layouts, if I even get that far.
Feel free to continue using my Templates/ideas as a back-end for some of yours, so long as you don't outright replicate them. ;)