Does a UV for Damage Bonus vs. Undead provide extra damage against Vanaduke? According to the Wiki, he's officially classified as undead, but since he doesn't have the same undead properties when it comes to damage, I was wondering whether or not this not-quite-undead classification extends to damage bonuses as well.
And I guess a more general follow-up question - do Damage Bonus vs. _____ UVs apply to bosses in general? I'd assume so, but I'm checking anyway.
1.Vanaduke has not officially been confirmed to be undead.People just say he is because in the Cradle lore about him,his kingdom of Almire had fallen.He had gone insane as well.Wanting to restore the glory of Almire,he made his way to the Shrine of Vog high in the mountains.He asked Vog to restore the glory of Almire,or to help him restore it.Vog granted his wish and killed Lord Vanaduke,but resurrected him as the King of Ashes,but lost all of his sanity.The aspect of him dying and being resurrected leads people to believe that he is undead.
2.Im not sure,but i think that a damage bonus vs beast would be effective on snarby,or a construct damage bonus would be effectiv against the twins and etcetera.could be wrong tho.