So, a few weeks ago, i was just chilling in Haven, when I saw a peculiar snipe IN the water. Mind u, the snipes dont even hang around on the fountain. I got a closer look, and saw that it was UNDERWATER and it had a training band like the ones in the trainign room. i would post pics, but i dont know how D:
Ok, so yeah...
Sat, 04/14/2012 - 22:59
Sat, 04/14/2012 - 23:09
I saw it
It had a band on its head. IT was for april fools day and if i'm correct appeared after Thalia appeared in the fountain
Sun, 04/15/2012 - 13:38
srsy? i dont think it was
srsy? i dont think it was april fools that day... but its possible. :P
EDIT: Hey, i just checked the date on my pics, and it WAS Apirl 1rst. thanks for the confirmation Xairathan :P
pics or it didn't happen