So as the topic says, I have a couple shield questions.
1. Does my armor defense count towards shield health? For instance, does shielding with my volcanic plate shield get better vs zombies if i'm wearing divine veil, or does it only take VPS normal defence into account.
2. How does status resist work for shields? If i shield the damage, i dont get any status effects, but is there a chance status goes through shield and it's lowered by shield resist?
That is all.
1. No, the shield defenses count toward only for your shield, and your armor defenses count only when you are hit. Your shield will not have more or less defense no matter what you armor you wear.
2. From what I understand, shields get more damage when there is a status component to the attack you shield from. You can reduce this amount by having a shield that defends against this status. There is no way a status go through your shield when it's up and not broken.