ive been playing for about a week now and im currently in tier 2. I kinda prefer guns but i find swords to be convenient. I dont know what equipment i should get and how i should deal with my current equip.
I have
guns: shadowtech alchemer,and the standard blaster.
sword: cutter, brandish, and calibur
my gear is the normal cobalt gear from the missions. and my shield like the gear is from the missions
What gear i should get . Caution : noob :p
Giovinolo said:
"I kinda prefer guns"
Athresh said:
"If swords are your thing then wolver will be your best bet"
Please, the guy said that he likes guns so do not force every new player to become wolver clone because, as much as swords may be efficient or fun, they are not the only valid gear in SK. Yes, you can defeat every level and every boss without having wolver gear.
Yeah but he also said : "but i find swords to be convenient."
Well, anyway you have a choice to make : either you go for the swords path, which means wolver gear, or you go for the gunslinger path, which means gunslinger gear (it's 3* so you may have to save quite a bit more, but you already have cobalt gear so you can already farm T2).
Anyway, don't continue with either cobalt or the shield you get from missions. Both are bad : cobalt have no status resist nor offensive bonus, and there are simply better shields than Defender one.
If you go for the gunslinger path, I also suggest you drop the blaster and take another non-normal gun (an elemental alchemer or a magnus).
As for swords, if you want one and only one sword, keep calibur, else take the brandish. Discard the other, and also discard the cutter : it's hard to use, dangerous and do less damage than other alternatives. While it's fun to use and can be effective in the right hands, I wouldn't advise a beginner to use that line.
Giovinolo, read the wiki page "Damage" to learn the monsters' vulnerabilities and resistances to different damage types. Then get yourself a piercing weapon, an elemental weapon, and a shadow weapon. Carry two of these at a time, or all three, once you have a weapon slot upgrade. Use them on the correct monsters, to deal huge damage.
Since you're interested in both swords and guns, I'll recommend this hybrid setup: piercing sword and elemental gun (and then shadow sword). The reason is that swords can have trouble against turrets, and so you want to use guns on turrets, and the single best damage type against turrets is elemental.
I strongly agree with the other posters that you should avoid the Cobalt armor line, and its shield. Choose gunner or sworder armor, that gives offensive bonuses.
First of all there are no such things as Swords Path or Gunslinging Path in this game. No choice have to be made. Think outside-of-the-box of usual classes, skills trees, spell paths and other such things, so overused in most RPG. You can use any weapon you like, any time - changing your loadout from pure swords to pure guns or pure bombs and anything in-between. Wise and experienced players usually mix and match weapons types in theirs loudouts to maximize their gaming experience, fun factor and performance. If you use swords mostly because they are occasionally convenient it doesn't mean that you are ought to have Wolver Set.
Checking the Damage rules on Wiki, as suggested by Bopp, is essential for every beginner. Later on though do not hesitate to experiment. There are situation that you may prefer using weapon that is neutral to given monster - for example I find Polaris efficient against Devilites and Valiance against Greavers. I know that there are players who favour Hail Driver for Devilites, and Shivermist Buster is very efficient against Trojans and Devilites alike. Damage is not the only factor in weapon choice, there are other factors like statuses, special abilities, speed, combo length. But yea, Damage lore is a good start.
@Merethif It's not a case about being orthodox or unorthodox, it's a case about a beginner who needs to have a correct gear to start.`
Sure, when you are experienced, you can have 5 swords, 6 guns, 7 bombs and the corresponding armors and trinkets for each, with good UVs and mix and match to have the perfect loadout for each level. But when you begin, crowns and energy are sparse and you are going to have only the required item for one loadout, without the shiny things.
If you want to not be pitiful with everything, you are going to choose a weapon type and optimize this one. That means only 1 armor, only 1 or 2 shields, and a few weapons (less than 5).
Ok, I have to admit your arguments are sensible. I see your point so I'm not going to argue.
Probably I was just trying to see the bigger picture.
Anyway, just for reference, arsenal that allowed me to get to the core for the first time contained only five 5* items (Nameless Poncho, Grey Feather Cowl, Dread Skelly Shield, Valiance and Callahan) and three 4* items (Grey Owlite Shiel, Volt Driver and Venom Striker). No fancy trinkets. No Arsenal Stations back in those days too :-D
My first 2-5 star load out consisted of
Magic hood- Devin Vail
Wolver Coat - Skolver Coat
Brandish - Glacius
Brandish - Acheron
Snarble barb - Barborus Thorn Blade
Owlite - Grey Owlite
This load out gave me a little of all 4 damage types
Fire Shock Freeze and Curse resist
Medium Damage bonus vs all and Very High vs fiend
And optimal damage vs all enemy types
I ran this load out for months eventually building up several other more specialized sets.
To be honest, I'd just jump to FSC if I were you. Ask to be taken on runs, offer to share your winnings (just with one of the people in the lead) and craft yourself a blitz needle. Use the 30K crowns you'll get from beating it 10 times and vendoring a piece of ancient to buy said blitz needle. A lot of "good" players that you'll see will be glad to take you on a run with them for 1-2000 crowns or so.
I hope you're not serious, or else I'm going to have to strangle you...
I hope so. Sure, someone who has beaten FSC a lot may be able to do it in 2* armor that doesn't even protect against most of the damage there, but I think people usually do it in 4* or 5* ele/shadow armor first, which is much more forgiving of mistakes. Especially for someone who has been playing only a WEEK! *cough* elitist advice *cough* :D
Your best shield now is probably the aegis (defender) line. I tried my aegis last time lvl 10 no UV and it withstand roarmulus laser. For the sword, I like brandish and either choose nightblade if you like Jelly or fireburst if you like roarmulus. The gun is best to be a gun from the alchemer line. Don't try magnus because unexperience player might die because of it. If you can equip four weps then consider bringing a status bomb and not a damaging bomb. If you are kinda a hybrid then consider doing a hybrid armor and helmet like a gunslinger sash with a dusker. Maybe you could also use full sword set or gun set than use a gun or sword trinket. Honestly looking at my weps people might think I'm a sword/gun knight, but actually I like bombing (but don't use it unless you are very comfortable with bombing). A no bonus armor is also goodd especially if you are not exactly a gunner or a swordmen or you might change to bombing.
Supermind apparently recommends Aegis over Barbarous Thorn Shield. For pure bombers or gunners, I agree. But anyone who uses swords with any regularity should certainly choose BTS over Aegis. The offensive bonus is really valuable.
On the other hand Ironmight (more normal) or Royal Jelly (more piercing) shields also offer a stun resistance, which is useful against lumbers, whereas Aegis doesn't have a single status resistance.
Take Aegis only if you really want the cheapest (since recipes are given as missions rewards).
Don't bother upgrading your cobalt set.If swords are your thing then wolver will be your best bet(yes,it is overused but that doesn't make it a bad set,does it?). Upgrade your brandish to either fireburst or iceburst.It's a nice idea to have 3 swords to deal 3 different types of damage.
I'm not the right person to talk about guns.
Why don't you try bombing?Blowing up stuff is fun!