Why is there suddenly an influx of players into the forums who don't punctuate their sentences, bother with capital letters or even attempt full sentences?
That and not really explaining their ideas/posting an idea already being discussed?
They seem to have a template. it's like:
hi my name is ______ i am new to the forums i want this idea i dont know if u guys will lik it but i hope u do I think it is really cool anyway my idea is _____ and it shuld b made bcuz there isnt really a use 4 it anyway and yeah whatever i think that this would b a great help to the game plz agree
Or something.
Really, they make themselves sound like 8 year olds who have played the game once, thought about some 'awesome stuff they think should be implemented' then ask for it when they found out there's a forum, without REALLY thinking it out/even bothering to be partially formal.
Am I alone in my thinking?