Cmon, people. I just had a look at the latest trailer on media on this very site (not the old version) and there are too many wrong things, and also the awesomeness could be doubled on the trailer. First impressions matter. At 7 seconds, old feron and the alchemy machine is so wrong, along with the awesome costume at 20 seconds, which included a magikat hat. Also, nothing was mentioned about missions, and shadow lairs in the trailer could make things seem so much more awesome, along with no accessories in "gear up for adventure" almost everyone has accessories, and the gear up for adventure could look so much more awesome.
Does the trailer need to be updated?
How about the fact that there's Vog Cubs and Tortodrones and Golden Trojans and stages and other things that don't really exist anymore????
Yeah, we need a new trailer.
I would personally love to see a new trailer, they so fun to watch @_@
~The Mighty WeeGee
We really should get an updated one. They can't take that long to make, can they?
I bet you guys could make a better trailer, looking awesome, honestly, the trailer looks so boring.... OOO could make a trailer in SECONDS, that is better than the one that we have..
Purely in-game footage would suffice. Heck, I bet they could even get players to provide it.
A little lockdown footage might also add to the effect as well. And Blast Network. Those probably should be in separate trailers.
Ohh! Ambitious idea! A Series of Trailers!
-Clockworks Trailer (Elevator Scene followed by combat across various scenarios. Probably include RJP and FSC)
-Mission Trailer (Fight against Arkus, Battle Arena Rise or Fall, ICMF, Gloaming Wildwoods, Battlepod scenes)
-Lockdown Trailer (Probably some in game footage including direct combat, Capping a Point, Recon Cloaking, Striker Boosting, and Guardian Shielding off a huge onslaught)
-Blast Network Trailer (5 Sec display of Lobby before entering arena, followed by A minute or two of Blast Network Combat. End with a winner being declared or something of that sort.)
-Gear Trailer (Mix between accessoried players, costume players (Tabard rings promiently), and combat oriented players (Mad Bomber, Skolver Swordmaster, Shadowsun Gunslinger)
-Shadow Lair Trailer (Start with some text going "In the deepest shadow. In the darkest depth" *flash to the unknown passage* "You are the last hope" Begin playing a bunch of scenes from different Shadow Lairs. Then insert text "Can you reach" *Flash back to unknown passage* "Where peace exists once more?" *Flash to the Sanctuary*)
Man I started spurting ideas crazily... Any of them even feasible...?
I will (hopefully) make a contest soon, but I will see if it is possible. Make your own video, although it has to be a general trailer, compressing all the best stuff in the game in about 3 min max. Imperial, I love the idea, but you could just show a few flashes of fights for a few action filled sections, filling all your ideas in one vid :)
And dont forget accessories!
Maybe, can be...
But isn't this supposed to be in Suggestions?