to serch him on youtube and watch videos on it then go beat vanaduke it helped me beat him for the first time yesterday
the best way to beat vanaduke is

But how du I not git hitted by da slag gards? They to stronk

Call in a GM, have them whack it with their crowbar.

where vana i dont c him i look everwhere in T3 but i no find him is he random boss plz help.

I think I've discovered the best way to defeat Vanaduke. Before the battle begins, Vanaduke says, "What's this?" Type a response with correct spelling and grammar. He will have a heart attack and die on the spot.

To use the [redacted] hidden on the [redacted] side of the room.
My party did this the other day and beat him in a few seconds without losing any health.

Wear Full Almirian Crusader.
Head down to the Throne Room.
Vanaduke should crap himself and die.

^ no, I think he'll just turn you into a slag like he did to all the other almirian knights then.

^ no, I think he'll just turn you into a slag like he did to all the other almirian knights then
Become a slag guard.
Stab him in the back.
Worked on some guy a long time ago, should work now.

Not a slag guard, just some lame-o T1 fire zombie that can't even breathe fire :/

I thought Vanaduke had no power over creating Slags, he's as much a victim as the Slags and Slag Guards themselves.
Also, Swag Walkers need to be rare mobs.

rare mobs that have a chance to drop golden diamond-encrusted accessories that fall under the "Bling" category.

u need :
one ppl with 5* shiwermist
one ppl with 5* blitz gun, elemental sword, neutral dmg sword is good too for mask phase.
1. before the fight start, tell all noobs in your party, to not breake vanaduke freze with crapy guns or sword hits.
2. the player with shiwermist will go behind vanaduke and start spam shiwer, its importnat spam shiwer as fast as possible, so vanaduke do not turn so much.
3. all other players kill guards. it wil be easy, cause vanaduke is stuck in freze and hes try turn to the one who freze him;)
4. after guards is death the one with blitz start shot charged blitz shots to vanaduke back.. this need litle practice, but its easy. unelash charge, immediately start charge another shot, and circle around vana, wait for him to freze again, circle to his back and shot again.
5. mask phase is easy, just watch noobs who wana fire u;)
6. slag guards phase: slags can mess the fight, so i preffer kill them quickly. stay at mid range from the slag guard u wana kill (he mus have agro at u) always have him on screen, dodge his charge and unelash your elemental sword charge to his back.. repeat 2x and he is death (in 4 ppls game;) try kite your slag guard near wall or in corner dont lure him to the one who freze.
its all, hope its help and sorry for my horrible englisch:)

Sometimes I don't even bother looking for a blitz player, I usually end up out-damaging him with a flourish anyway.
I also don't bother taking those "WHERE DA SHIVUR LEL?!?!?!?!?111"-players that think vanilla vana is too hard.
edit: for the last time, you don't NEED a blitz
you don't NEED shiver
you just NEED to hit him until he dies

Yes, you don't need blitz/plague. If you don't have ANY guns/only shadow guns however, it becomes a lot harder.
I'd advise you always take one of a few, as they are the better weapons for vana
Argent peacemaker
Hail/storm/nova driver
and the aforemantioned blitz/plague needle
All of those can be useful, due to them having a higher chance of getting through fireballs
Pulsars with explosions
AP and the needles, due to the amount of bullets
Drivers, due to ricochets.

Full proto and proto weaps, and a mohawk on the proto sallet, Vana is going to laugh till he dies, very affective ^O^
aright so i wtch utube video abot beting duk but how do i bet him rilly ??? :D :D :D