konbanwa mina-san!
i just started playing this game and would really like some pointters.
hello fellow knight,
thanks but i dont have clue on how to move this :(, considering i am fresh and a new knight and all, thanks.
If you're just starting out, doing the rank missions sounds like a good idea.
They provide a kinda good starting point and also hands you some gear
and recipes. Not the best gear and recipes, mind, but a starting point none
the less. And they're free.
oh thanks eetee,
hmm ive heard about the missions bfore, are they tough and how do i access them?
Why do some people need to be told everything? It's not hard just looking through the New Recruits section, reading the wiki etc.
Also, if you can't figure out how to access the missions when there's a big button ingame labeled MISSIONS, then I think you are beyond help...
Ranking sounds good yeah. It's like tutorials too (info on how to play the game, the clockworks). I loovve this game :))
well arent you just being mean tom?
i just asked for some pointers and since there was something i didnt know about the missions, i just asked.
Don't worry about those two Xcelestialneon, they just lurk around the forums too much & follow up with the "1st post - similar reply" fad. That's how most of these forums are. They go off topic too much, general discussion is Spiral Knights in general. New Recruits = General Discussion regardless. It's just you'll see more newbie topics there than here on general.
I'm not mean at all, a little cynical perhaps. But I blame that on this forum and people like you.
Who was the president of the Lost Faith In Humanity club again?
thank you very much kitty ^_^
and tom please refrain from this behavior its pretty bad if you dont realize it yourself
Congratulations, Xcelestialneon, on finding the best game and social network on the web. Definitely do the missions as they are excellent tutorials. I see you already figured out how to select an image for your forums avatar, so I'll know you'll be fine in this game. The wiki is your friend big time, found under the ? icon. Also use /join 2 to tune in to trade chat to see what we are all buying, selling, trading, and trolling. And if you need some help with some of those missions, contact me with /t mawashimono in game. I've sent a friend request, so you can see if I'm in-game by checking for my name under your people icon. if you have any other questions, we can chat in game sometime.
- Make sure you have at least 1 bomb, gun AND sword. I've run into at least a handful of people who only had swords.
- Stay away from Shock Brandishes unless you're 100% willing to endure tons of Lockdown and Blast Network matches to get them and their upgrades.
- You must be at least THIS antlerfabulous to play this game.
- If you're playing with more experienced players and you get knocked out, wait a bit before crying out for a Health revive. Time/Health spent reviving everyone cuts time spent getting rid of whatever monster/trap is killing you.
- If the party's overall health is still pretty high lay off the CE rezzing unless everyone dies or overall health gets really low.
-lrn2shieldbump it's fun
STAY AWAY FROM LOCKDOWN unless you're a PVP fanatic in other MMOs. Right now the mode either has a ridiculous skill gate for most equipment combos or is completely broken depending on who you ask.
@Kitty: I'm not a mean person. Ask any of my in-game friends or guildies (or IRL friends, but that would be a little harder). I can be direct at times (which you may perceive as rudeness), but I am almost never intentionally hurtful or unkind. He asked for advice and I gave it (not at all rudely, I might add). I fail to see how it's off-topic. Also, it seems that he was intelligent enough to figure out how to move it by himself (unless a Mod did it, which I doubt), so I don't think I needed to elaborate further. Maybe try actually knowing people better before you say unfounded things.
@OP: Whatever you do, DO NOT buy the Cautery Sword. But then, if the thread Paweu linked to is accurate, you didn't need to be told that, did you?
like allready said, do the misions it's a great way to learn about the game (you can redo misions any time if you have the energy for it) you can also run the gates down in the arcade.
read the wiki when you are bored... realy just do it (helped me allot when starting out and even now i still go to the wiki often)
learn how the monsters fight and learn to dodge (better to not take damage at all) and misions will give you the info on mobs ;-)
get into T2 as fast as you can (T1 won't get you much income realy) and by that time you'll have the hang of things.
Wow Paweu's post is really mind blown.... To think the OP said that he just started the game
>.> y u make accusations against me?
Hmm... Maybe because there are at least two instances of evidence supporting the accusations? Either way, at some point you lied about how long you've played. Just sayin'.
Well, here's some general tips.
Use your shield if you are going to get hit. It's priceless to be able to block a hit that would otherwise kill you. Also, in Tier 2 and Tier 3 monster's attacks don't do 1/4th of a pip of health to you. However, your shield has its own health (its current health is shown by its bubble surronding you, ranging from blue to broken - broken shields cannot defend against attacks until they regain health after a few seconds.
Learn the enemy's movement patterns and dodge their attacks so you don't have to shield.
Learn to when to and when to not use the full combo of swords and fire the full clip of guns.
Cause your my friend and I've seen you decked out in full 5* gear.
i dont even know a damastaa, i only have like 3 ppl on my frnds list since i just started =.=
Yes, of course you just started. Whom are you trying to kid again?
Paweu this may be the only time I want to clap for you.
neon, why are you...................oh wait i know.............ima leave you to this
Did someone just ebay his account or something? lol
I saw you today in the haven with the Rose set, no noob has that set.
srry guys ive been lieing, im actually not a begginner, and to repent for my actions, i will commit sepuku with my ingame character in runs and in LD.
hope it makes you guys feel any better.
First pointer: You'll probably want to move this to New Recruits...