So is it just me or is there blots of green on the cobalt/plate series and if im not the only one then is this for real? Like are they reallllyyyyyy going to just be that way from now on....because if so then thats just the most ugly thing in the game.
Wed, 04/18/2012 - 19:01
Wed, 04/18/2012 - 19:13
Maybe just you, your personal color, etc. But lemme check just in case
Wed, 04/18/2012 - 20:21
Yeah im playing on my laptop,
Yeah im playing on my laptop, but whats funny is that it only appears that way when im inspecting them....just seeing them in game they look fine.
Thu, 04/19/2012 - 00:12
Update your graphics driver.
Update your graphics driver. This happened to me too and it fixed itself after I updated the driver.
Also, use Technical Issues forum.
Thu, 04/19/2012 - 00:44
Yeah well how can I update
Yeah well how can I update the driver?
Did you happen to be playing from a different computer? Because that displays on my laptop but not my desktop, may be a bug.