Hi guys,
While playing lockdown, I frequently see people moving weirdly...Basically, as strikers, they boost and run backwards, loop around, and then start toothpicking me. Based on the fact that they faced me the entire time, I'm guessing they used the WASD for movement, so I decided to try replicating that. Problem is, for some reason I can't move diagonally with WASD while shieldboosting. The game only lets me move one cardinal direction at a time. Rather than looping, all I can do is make a kind of rectangle...Which is not nearly as impressive as the loop.
Why won't it let me move diagonally and all loopily???? Is there any way to fix this?
Thanks guys ^_^
I'm not sure if this will help, but there are 2 ways of moving with WASD. One is to set them for north/south/east/west, moving based on the "frame" of your screen. The other is to set them for forward/backwards/right/left compared to the cursor, as in you would move those directions while always facing the cursor, so you would move "down" if going left facing left, or "up" if going left facing right. I use the first, which I think is easier to learn to use since you always go the same direction for each key. However, the second may be easier to kite with since you can hold your cursor over a monster and hold left or right to continually circle it.