ive been thinking about this for a long time and wiki doesnt give detail
ok first off how does poison resistance help a shield
I know why some have it.
Fire resistance lessens the amount of dmg you take.
So does shock.
Sleep is useless so whatever
Poison I've no clue.
So I'm wondering I guess what does poison and stun resistances do on a shield.
The same as every other Status Resistance on a Shield: Block out more Damage.
If your Shield gets wailed on by a Poison Zombie, it'll Block off more Damage than a Shield without Poison Resistance.
And you may already know this but I will state it here for everyone's enjoyment.
Just because a shield has fire resistance (for an example), does not mean that your character is more resistant towards fire. Just the shield is, while it is in use.
So if you have a high FR resistance on a shield, it does not help you resist flames if you happen to walk into them when the shield is not active. Same would be true for a piercing resistance and walking on spikes, ect.
When you block you don't receive any damage.
Shields don't affect the amount of dmg you take.
What xombie said
edit 2:
So what the hell does stun and poison res do on a shield
Ironskullkid is correct, but let me word it a little better. Status Resistances on Shields are just like having Normal, Elemental, Piercing or Shadow defense, except they apply to attacks that deal that Status effect, rather than those four typical above traits.
So, a Dread Skelly Shield, which has excellent Freeze and Poison resistance and huge Shadow defense, would block out a lot of damage from any of the Zombies, but it would block even MORE damage if that Zombie was a Droul (Poison Zombie) or Frozen Shambler (Ice Zombie). Or instead, if a Jelly Cube attacked you (which is Piercing), no extra damage would be blocked and your shield would like, go straight from blue to orange... but if that Jelly Cube were an Ice Cube (Freeze damage of course), the shield would block a bit more damage, even though it's Piercing and not Shadow, thanks to the shield's Freeze resistance, and you wouldn't be in drastic danger of your shield shattering all the sudden. ^^
It works completely different for armor and helms, which reduce the likelihood, damage, and duration of status when you're actually the target of a successful Status attack.
Hope that helps!
Seems rude.
Just grave yard this
Ouch that hurt... I will now go in my closet to cry for an hour.
Come on, admit it, you found that at least a little funny
Fire resistance on shields applies only to the shield. That is, wearing a Grey Owlite shield won't make you any less flammable. This can be easily verified with any fire resist shield and a FoV at a terminal.
What status resistance *does* do, however, is decrease the amount of damage taken from a status-aligned attack. A notable example is the skeleton's fire breath attack in FSC. You'll notice it does essentially zero direct damage, but a shield left without fire resistance will turn green whilst Grey Owlite stays blue.
I hypothesize that any attack that has the chance to cause status infliction (slag walker attacks, elemental turret projectiles) has some degree of "status" damage. This can be negated only by having the appropriate status defence.
So your Dread Skelly shield will in effect take less damage from Ice and Poison Devilites than, say, Fire or Shock devilites.
Mr. Newb-Kat being bossy in his topics.. Watch out...
Shield can't have status effects applied to them, therefore instead, when a status is inflicted upon a shield it does direct damage to the shield's health based on the status' strength.
If your shield has less health than the damage that the status would normally cause to a shield the shield absorbs as much strength (strength being related the duration and damage of the status and maybe the chance of hitting) from the status effect then breaks.
The remaining strength is then applied to you.
So if a Very Strong poison hits the player's shield and the shield absorbs only a fraction of it, a Weak or Moderate poison may end up being applying to the player (in addition to breaking the shield).
I know there is a chance that a status doesn't affect the player, and I am not sure if the shield absorbing the status' strength affects this chance. To me it seems like when a shield breaks from a status, the status is guaranteed to hit me, however I haven't paid too close attention to the times my shield has broken to statuses, and I may have just overlooked the times where my shield broke to a status but the status failed to affect me. I also notice that status only effects, like the zombie breaths seem to always 'hit' (make your shield flinch) when your shield is out, so the shield being hit may be independent to your own resist.
Being hit by lumbers has also shown me that shield first absorb attack damage, then status strength. So if the attack + status breaks your shield, but the attack alone doesn't, none of the attack damage will penetrate, however a portion of the status will. So when a lumber hit me, it broke my shield but I only took the remainder of the stun status and no damage (and stun doesn't do any additional damage per tick).
And as said, shield resistances to status effects modifies the damage done to shields by the status effects themselves.
Guys, we get it. You're several posts late. It's already been explained.
You mean why Shields have Status Resistances?