I have the autogun, scale shield, heavy hatchet, spiral scale helm, and the wolver coat.
Apparently because at least one of my gear pieces is a two star. I'm in tier two.
Firstly: Is this true?
Secondly: Why is that? It's poor balance and causes people like me to spring up. They can't play in where they belong, and I'm always killed in a single hit in tier two.
Why am I in tier two Lockdown?
Sat, 04/21/2012 - 04:23
Sat, 04/21/2012 - 07:39
Well, wolver coat and autogun
Well, wolver coat and autogun are 2*. Take those off and use 1* stuff.
Sat, 04/21/2012 - 13:44
Also, you have to do more
Also, you have to do more then just take them off. You have to unflag for PvP any loadout that contains gear of a higher tier then the one you wish to play LD in.
Yes it is true. I suppose it is like that so someone can't equip a 5* sword and everything else 1* and destroy everyone in tier 1 LD.
If you want to continue playing in tier 1 then you will have to use 1* or less gear. Make a loadout (via the loadout menu - press 'l') with all 1* gear and make sure any other loadouts are marked as pve (just click the red swords so they become green)