I seriously dont know what bomb to get. I use Boltbrand dtb faust gigawatt and silversix with ash tail and miracle
Which bomb?
I seriously dont know what bomb to get. I use Boltbrand dtb faust gigawatt and silversix with ash tail and miracle
Which bomb?
This here bombing guide is a pretty good place to start:
The wiki has a Bombing Guide, which is pretty good. Make sure you read that. My votes:
I'm not an expert bomber, but I've used Nitronome and DBB, and I just can't get into these damage bombs, because I can't achieve as high of damage per second as I do with my swords.
"I'm not an expert bomber, but I've used Nitronome and DBB, and I just can't get into these damage bombs, because I can't achieve as high of damage per second as I do with my swords."
Have you any way to quantify this? If so could you please share your method :)
Sincerily, not trolling, ~Luke
It really depends on what you want a bomb for. If you're looking for damage, go with a Nitronome (use with caution in teams, since its pretty distracting and throws enemies around) or DBB (use with caution around things that resist piercing..). If you want to aid swordies by inflicting status, the haze bombs are pretty much the only way to go. Vortex bombs are also GREAT for support (concentrates all the enemies around into one point), but arent really for status/damage and kinda just toss enemies around when they go boom (except the electron line, but only sometimes), which can be pretty annoying.
"Have you any way to quantify this? If so could you please share your method :)"
Yeah, I was worried that this statement would start a fight, which wasn't my intention --- I was trying to discuss my own shortcomings, not bombing's shortcomings. I have two semi-arguments:
First, when I'm fighting a crowd of constructs using Nitronome, for example, it just seems to take forever. I want the enemies in a crowd, so that I can hit more than one, but the Nitronome's knockback is constantly dispersing the crowd. If I were a better bomber, perhaps I would steer the crowd into a corner and keep them pinned there. Instead, I either spend too much time waiting for the perfect multi-monster blast, or I just blow them up piecemeal. For another example, I've seen video where a solo bomber takes down a couple of greavers in a few seconds with Nitronome, without suffering any damage. The video is nice, but greavers have very little health, and a piercing sword takes them down even faster, I think.
Second, the guild Lancer Knightz has data on DPS of weapons. They measure only DPS against a single monster, which is a little unfair to bombs, and their methodology is definitely unfair to vortex bombs and shard bombs. Keeping those caveats in mind, the raw numbers show that the DPS is terrible. Now, an expert bomber can outperform these numbers and get decent DPS, I'm sure. But that's not me.
Hum, I never thought about assessing the break-even point of number of mobs over which bombs are better than swords.
Using Lancer Knightz data, DBB surpass piercing swords at 4 beasts/fiends. I suspect in reality even with 3 mobs, DBB will be better because raw damage doesn't account for the time to move and missed hits of swords. Also, DBB doesn't have the inconvenient of pushing back mobs.
Since Nitronome is normal, it performs a lot worse compared to elemental/shadow alternatives (I'm not going to compare it to normal weapons because no serious swordsman carry a normal sword). Comparing to brandish, assuming brandish only hit 1 mob per swing, you would need 5 mob to have a perfect break-even. Contrary to piercing alternatives, here Nitronome will have issues because of its knockback, and the 1 mob per swing for brandish is quite harsh.
RSS is hard to compare, because its quite unique, but it should break even at 3 to 6 shards hitting something. If you can reliably drop point blank RSS, you effectively have more firepower than a fast sword (still assuming the 1 mob per swing).
All in all, I think damage bombs are perceived as low dps because of the charge time + fuse time : it's going to be a while before you start to do any damage. About 1 sword combo. As mobs don't have a lot of health, it's a lot. Also, if you play with swordsmen/gunslingers, they are generally going to focus on some mobs and do them one by one, whereas a bombers ideal pattern (except RSS) is to damage equally every mob. On the remaining mobs, bombers are at a disavantage, obviously.
Also, a lot of clockworks level don't feature huge crowds, but rather lone or small packs of mobs.
I agree, Fradow, that because DBB doesn't knock back, one can easily hit wolvers with it again and again. And four wolvers is a reasonable group size in a wolver den. On the other hand, a piercing sword can often hit more than one wolver at a time, so the piercing sword may pull away again in DPS. A sworder wastes a little time maneuvering to the monsters, but then a bomber does too. We'd need more detailed data to settle that question.
"Yeah, I was worried that this statement would start a fight, which wasn't my intention"
Its all good my friend, I wasnt looking at it as a point of contention. You appear to be about the most knowledgeable knight in the game from your postings and I was just wondering if maby there was a parser or something similar I wasnt aware of.
Though I do not advocate bringing *too much* number crunching and theory craft to this game as I believe its the bobbing, weaving, and bumping that make this such a appealing refreshing game rather than reaching soft/hard caps for avoidance and damage like other mmorpgs, I must confess there have been many times I wish I had a dps meter of some sort for no other reason then to satisfy my personal curiosity...albeit I feel as though the community as a whole is most likely better off without.
Often in wolver dens I will have DBB and Callahan equipped, some of my favorite tricks are shield bumping wolver into DBB's radius after I set it or taking potshots at others that look like they may move out of range at the last second for a stun or to knock them up (Hehe).
One more interesting thing to consider is the revalation that certain mobs seem to be attracted to knights carrying certain color crystals (at least this is what I think some of the recently added lore nooks convey). I know if I was a pure bomber I would be looking to always have the hot rock for the strata to make the most of my arsenal.
@Bopp as a huge fan of DBB in wolver den, I have to disagree.
- you can reliably hit several mobs only with the first swing of a piercing sword, because the hitbox on the 2 others is small. By experience, maneuvering mobs to use only the first swing because of its huge hitbox is not very practical : wolvers dodge and there is a non-negligible knockback on this swing
- with DBB, especially against wolvers (zombies are another story because they are so slow), maneuvering is not an issue. You just do small circles and mobs will be in the bomb zone (unless stupid teammate knock them out or move out and mobs follow them). Especially with wolvers, who will teleport right behind you, in the middle of the last dropped bomb.
You should really give it a try! Although that's the only area in which DBB really shines (it's good against undeads, but not that great, have issue against gremlins due to their shield in T3, and not great against fiends because you can't shield and need to go close enough).
As for other bombs, Dark Retribution is not included in Lancer Knightz data, but I feel it would not perform well anyway (as well as being really hard to make an estimation on). I would love to have reliable dps data on Ash of Agni and VT status to crunch some numbers, seeing that those bombs can really pair well, contrary to every other damage bomb. I would assume an average of 2 mobs per initial explosion (because it's so small), so about 175 damage, that would make about 400 dps with fire/shock to break even. But i'm too lazy to actually collect those data.
@Fehzor thanks, but I win nothing xD I was just doing some extrapolation based on available data. Although I hope I can persuade Bopp to try the DBB (my favorite bomb, although it's really a niche bomb).
Fradow, I do have DBB (post #3), and I do find it much easier to use than Nitronome (post #8) because of the lack of knockback. In wolver dens, it does hit several wolvers at once. Our disagreement stems from the fact that I have a brighter view of piercing swords than you do. I regularly complete entire combos (not just the first swing) against two or even three wolvers. I've taken out as many as five full-health monsters (two gremlin menders, three wolvers) with a single Final Flourish charge. But it's possible that I'm remembering my performance generously --- for example, forgetting the time it takes me to position myself for such attacks. DBB in a wolver den certainly comes close to 4, 5, or maybe even 8 times its theoretical max DPS. The question is how close a piercing sword comes to 2 times its theoretical max DPS.
And I've tried DBB against fiends, but I'm not very good in that situation, probably due to over-aggression. I need to kite better, or set up a freeze/DBB combo, or something. Any ideas? Anyway, congratulations on your win. ;)
Lukehandkooler, the shield-bumping is definitely a good trick. As for what I know, it just comes from some testing and some talking to people like Fradow. I wouldn't want to crunch the numbers too hard in this game either, but it is somewhat fun to try to reverse-engineer the rules. It's like a puzzle to solve. Cheers.
Oh, my bad, I thought you didn't got it.
I may be bad, but often the second hit doesn't connect. I should probably use the delayed second hit technique with 3 swing swords (I do it only with 2 swing swords). Note that I use BTB rather than FF for aesthetics reasons. Do you use the auto-aim to be able to hit several mobs at once with 2nd and 3rd swing ? Because I clearly remember hitting several wolvers at once with the 3rd hit, but it was only luck.
As for DBB against fiends, I didn't have any luck either, so I can't advise you on, the. Spamming the first swing of BTB or using a Callahan works way better for me.
Fradow, I do this wolver-fighting with either Final Flourish or Barbarous Thorn Blade. (Note to newbies: There is no difference in regular attacks. Don't get both until you are really bored.) I almost always have auto-aim on, and I definitely have it on in a wolver den. You and I agree about weapons against fiends. Cheers.
What do you want a bomb for ?
Some popular choice are :
- a Vortex bomb to pair with a brandish charge to do maximal destruction
- a Shivermist or VT for utility
- Nitronome for damage + knockback
- Ash of Agni for damage without knockback
- DBB for anti-beast