Hard to find this game.

20 replies [Last post]
Legacy Username

(Note: This is not entirely a rant, there's some useful stuff in there)

Scratch that, it's a miracle that I even got to posting here.

To start I found this game browsing Youtube when I was bored a few months ago. When I come to the site I find that you cannot play, which is OK. However that's all there is too see - no viewable forums are any other indication of activity going on - just a place to put in your email. So I put it in, months passed, and I forgot about it.

It wasn't until a few days ago that I decided to sift through my spam and found out I could play. It's a decent game, however there are not many people around and it's not really fun playing without friends (a result of what was stated above). And it wasn't until some unnecessary searching that I even found my way to the forums to post this.

Bottom line: This game will never become popular with the way things are. I understand that it's in Closed Beta (wait, is it?), so it's not THAT bad of a thing if many are not around. however creating hype/ attracting players early on is a smart thing to do. I don't know if you're planning to do all this before release, but it has to be done eventually - the sooner the better.

Legacy Username

The game's still in closed beta brah.. that's why it say's all things (vids, screenshots,talks) aren't to be released to the outside world.. yet. count urself lucky ur in :P

Legacy Username

"I understand that it's in Closed Beta (wait, is it?), so it's not THAT bad of a thing if many are not around. however creating hype/ attracting players early on is a smart thing to do. I don't know if you're planning to do all this before release, but it has to be done eventually - the sooner the better."
(Was in OP)

I've played some games in Closed Beta, and they were 'generally' known about. This one is just so hidden that it will be a bit of a challenge to get it known, it's a gradual process, so the earlier to start out the better.

Legacy Username
this game is still at its first steps

they have what, 3 developers? is as they got out of alpha these weeks (no, they didn't. they do did another preview event before, that are in the videos you saw).

The developers are trying to take it easy to begin with, so they can make some money to stabilie their funds, and so they can do everything right, because rushing in a project always finishes in displeasure and uttelry chaos.

Also, if we see this way: less people = less players that are only here to play, and not to help, because they seen that is quite ahrd to wina gains others if there are no others, because the people are more concerned in helping while palying (at least, i do this way. i'm here to help with ideas and bug reports, and in adding content to the wiki after i got a good equip set to play around).

lastly, if you say that other closed betas that you played where more open to the public, and more popular, then you where playing a open beta by mistake, or where playing a closed beta in its last stages, ready to go to open beta...just by curiosity, tell me some of those closed betas that you palyed (i love beta testing).

Boswick's picture
Rest assured, we definitely

Rest assured, we definitely want lots and lots of people to play Spiral Knights. We're keeping things quiet right now because once you get that ball rolling, it requires quite a bit of attention to make sure it doesn't roll away from you. That's kind of a tortured metaphor, but you get the idea. Once we bust open the doors, Nick will be spending a lot of time communicating with press folk, and right now he's needed for development of the game.

Your point is well taken though, and your concern is genuinely appreciated. As a small developer, we're going to have to fight for whatever coverage we can get.

Legacy Username
You'd put the ball on a

You'd put the ball on a leash, but where would you attach the collar?

Spherical kennels are also hard to come by.

Legacy Username
Reply 2

I'm not saying to let all the player base attracted to the game into it. If the front page offered more, such as a link to the forums, those who actually want to help out would hang out and wait to receive an email; those who don't (generally kids who are impatient) would leave to find another game they could play right away. Basically, the current format discriminate against both players who would help and those who wouldn't.

I'm also no saying for them to rush the game. Changes like adding some sort of indication of the wiki/ forums on the front page shouldn't take up that much time from their work and be a good first step. Anything like advertising doesn't need to be done until later on. (Oh, and the other games were in Closed Beta - they attracted many people to their sites but only let a select few play. And if you think that causes more people to spill out info, it doesn't - well not much more than this game anyways).

I guess you're right, but we shouldn't entirely wait for the doors to be open to get people in.


Shoebox's picture
Quick way to get attention

Get Nick to inject the tears of Derek Smart directly into his veins.

Legacy Username
to lost, you're lost...>_<

i never said that you said it, i just stated what was happening here.

Also, you didn't said a single name to me..i might had palyed one or other of those that you are saying, and just want to make sure.

Actually, the developers don't want to spill out info, and opening the wiki for the public, as else the forum to the public would mean info leakage. People would know about everything in this game before tha actual release, and thus, could ruin some parts of the game. As cory said, the very issue here in letting the people know more about the game is that they need time to put everything in order before the open beta, because them, when the people begin to come in buckets to play, they will need to control it, so people don't begin to do what they please in the game. New bugs will be found, new issues will need to be resolved, everything like planned. Some actual issues that aren't major will need to be fixed later (like the major lag issue that makes almost impossible to shield for some people, but i witnessed that some people actually have the skill to pre-shield an attack), and some unfinished issues that they thought that were more important will be left in second plan, because they will realize that it isn't more mportant now that other issues came to show theys facers (don't remember any issue that fix in these lines, yet).

Well, that's it, be patient, and you will live to see this game having a intro page, with register and play button, with a nice wiki (i'm waiting till i have a fixed income to begin working there), a forum with lot's of people willing to help, and much more things to do in group as also in solo (but most in group).

Also, don't know if it's your actual problem, but, if it is getting in your nerver to get in your e-mail everytime to access the forums and the game (it got on mine till i stopped to think), them favorite these page...but,a gain, don't know if this is your issue, as it is pretty obvious.

Legacy Username
Hmm. I had no problem finding

Hmm. I had no problem finding the forums and wiki -- they were in the signup emails I got. Maybe the emails have changed?

Yes, the front page could tell you a little more about the game. And, I wouldn't call this a "closed beta". Beta implies a lot more progress than this.

This game is past alpha (it no longer crashes; it runs on a variety of systems; it's stable), but no where near feature complete, nor balance complete. It is still getting lots of additions and tuning; the future direction of the game isn't really clear to the players yet from what has been released.

It's like: We've got the basic main gears, now we need the detailed little gears.

Or not.

Legacy Username
Reply Tres

One such game I played was called, "Earth Eternal." Their solution to having people leak out information was to have a separate section that people could talk about all things beta. The key was that it was only visible once your account had been accepted into the beta, otherwise you don't see it/ know it exists. Still people could leak out info. to the other sections (there are idiots in all games) however it was usually not something significant and was deleted somewhat quickly. Keep in mind that, if developers find that to be too much, they could add something else - news, concept art, company info., FAQ, player submissions, etc.

I wasn't originally aware of how old this game was, with Behind saying it's just out of Alpha, nor did I know that there were only 3 developers working on it. With that in mind I have no place to demand for these changes right away, just that I hope they are planning on doing this at a good time when they're ready.

Boswick's picture
Seven, not three.

Clarification: There are seven full-time developers working on Spiral Knights right now.

Legacy Username
> I wasn't originally aware

> I wasn't originally aware of how old this game was, with Behind saying it's just out of Alpha,

It's my understanding that this is the third preview event. I don't know if "just out of Alpha" is accurate -- I don't even know if "Alpha/Beta/Release candidate/Gold" is a valid description anymore.

I've come to think of "Beta" as "All the parts are in place, now to make sure that they all work. Some bugs are expected". We don't have all the parts in place yet. But what we have does work.

Hence: Long past alpha (it all works), not quite beta (not close to complete).

Legacy Username

thanks for the clarification, cory, but, still, it's not a pletora of people >_<.
about the closed beta: the game passes through these phases while in development:
-Alpha: when the game is known only by the people that are working in it and between some friends, to help them build the game for the public.
-Closed Beta: it's when the game is open to a minor part of the public, and most people don't know about it, because people don't talk about it. It is the time for these small number of people to make the history in the game, helping eith ideas and major bug reports, that can't be tested in such a small scale as 5 or 10 people, at max (Alpha).
-Open Beta: ahh, the part where most people misunderstand with the full game, because now the game is beggining to get its fame, and a more numerous number of players is coming to make part of the game. this section is most based in bug fixes found when a majority of players play the game at the same time, and also to begin to add some small contents, but more about tweeking previous content, and balancing the game, trying to make a stable economy inside and outside the game (for the people that are working on it).
-Full release: the game is there, almost every bug was wipped, and future bugs will probably occur because of new contents added in the future. The game is totally playable for long periods of time, with lots of things to do, and with a quite balanced gameplay. It's the time when the developers give a pat on their backs and say good job, for getting this far.

Now, to clarify: open beta is also a proof of resistence, when the developers see if the game will be well accepted or a complete failure, and is exactly at this time that the game decides to close it doors, or to continue and see if it will get worse or better, depending on the issues.

Now, to answer you, Lost: i don't know why, but i had a hunch that you would say about Earth Eternal...mostly because, seeing what you wrote, i was tottally sure that you was talking about an OPEN BETA GAME! EE was at open beta at the time of that fatal accident... thus, it is because of the fact that they where at open beta that the game had more advertising: because they wanted more people to test features. If you were talking about the game being closed, so surelly you played it till the end.
Also, most of the guilt for they being closed goes to the developers theyselves, as they made an horrible mistake: they let people gain points to buy things before the near end of the beta. They surelly didn't had a stable economy to do that, and also, after they put the exange system, then everything fallen to the end. See, they tryed to please the players, but the players wanted too muc, and they were too concerned about the players that they forgot to see the budget. At the time, they were paying for us to play the game, for about 6 months! What i mean is, they were using theyr money, instead of the money gotten through the cash sold, because they were really concerned with the player. They had the hope that the server would be bought by a game company that would make the game continue forward...but this same game company simply said no, bought the server, and deleted the game...

Talked too much, but, resuming: it was open beta, not closed beta, at the time when they closed, and probably you just played it at pen tilll the end, like i did. Don't know if you knew me, but i was Cianpnir Narbridge, and also had a character named Cianpnir Hrodvitnisson, if this ring familiar in your ears.

Legacy Username
Reply 5

Someone from EE? :D

Well I don't know if you're already a part of this, but this is where the remnants of the community are waiting if you're interested:

And they didn't necessarily delete the game, they are just very quiet. The site, though not up for us, is still being worked on (well, according to some people from the remnants of the community). Just gonna try to be patient >.<

Anyways I was talking about EE during it's Closed Beta, not as it is right now, for the purpose of their forum. I wouldn't suggest the makers of this game to follow EE's example in particular, but the forum part is a good solution to allow people not in beta to communicate with the rest of the community.

Legacy Username
hmmm, anyway

open for the comunitty to coment, without they being able to play would fill up at least an entire server with topics like: "I WANT TO PLAY THE GAME, PL0X!1!"....and the developers would need to basically ignore all the topics in such public thread, thus making it worthless. I like it as it is now, closed this way. Let's just wait till the developers fell confortable with they work, so they can begin to spread the word.

Legacy Username
anyway, about the site

good to hear that theya re developing it as wel, hope that is not a company that only thinks in money income, and i'm glad that i didn't closed the clan forum i was on, so i can invite some people back to the game when it release....anyway, it will only matter for me when the game is back in operation again...

Legacy Username
Reply 6

Well, someone looked up the site stats or something like that and they found that Eartheternal.com domain is registered to TBS via Time Warner. That could possibly mean it's going to be run through its Cartoon Network division (who have another browser MMO) - or it could be something completely different... no one knows.

Back on topic, there will be likely be threads that go along the lines of, "I WANT TO PLAY THE GAME, PL0X!1!" - but that won't be the majority of the community. Many of those type of people (like you mentioned, those who just want to play and not help the game) will probably grow bored and move on. Those who are not that way could use the forums as source of information - such as what the game is about, if they would even like it, etc. Plus someone will be better off finding veterans to play with, via the forums, to make gameplay more enjoyable and a bit easier.

Legacy Username
well, i will not discuss more about it

because, now, at the time, i don't have arguments (yet) to discuss with you....because only one little thig you said: CARTOON NETWORK?!?

C'mom...earth eternal will be over...if it is really in the hands of CN, them...if they try to make something in the systematics of theyr other MMO..the game will be playable..and enjoyable..at the first 3 days..when only the few kids that likes to make what they want will be playing...The other mmo of CN, is nothing more than a "create your hero character and try to be better than the others"...and i don't wat to see this in EE...man, i sure hope that matt and his people get a hand in the upcoming EE...to help to stop any attrocities to the game...

Legacy Username
Don't want to be off topic, but I can't send a private messag...
Legacy Username
don't wanting to be off topic too, for the same reason above

Oh damn...at least isn't north america cartoon network, nor brasilian cartoon network (latin america)...so, it is a bonus. I just hpe that they don't make the game to childish..or a game better palyed by low age masses....T.T...but it is good to hear that EE still didn't died at all.