I was just thinking. If the kats managed to kill the owlites, and the kats now drop, among other things, owlite feathers, could it be that the chromalisks killed an ancient race of drakes/wyverns/dragons (vog knows how, since they arent very powerful) and thats why they now drop their scales? what do you think?
About them dragons
Tue, 04/24/2012 - 22:54

Wed, 04/25/2012 - 05:31

I think for a new update or
I think for a new update or something, the Spiral Order should discover that these races aren't really gone forever.
Wed, 04/25/2012 - 22:57

OR maybe the chromas are
OR maybe the chromas are de-evolved dragons from other planets :P
I think that all clockwork monsters (expect void monsters and spawnable monsters) have killed in past a lot of bank employess because they not drop ridiciloisly lot of money :P