Let me get this straight... when you unbind a pocket pet.. it DIES? I've got no problem killing a full grown, vicious Kat, but a baby mewkat? They're too cute to kill!
Poor Pets...
Some bloodthirsty person curses it and burns the poor monster when I see my first mewkat I will burn it alive jest because of you nick
when we send them to the clockworks, we condemn them to death anyways, at the hands of some other knight 0_0
Yay! The mewkats and chromalisks can live happy lives until another careless knight lumbers into the clockworks and beats it up for sport! Thank you for making sure that these helpess babies aren't killed when they can't put up a good fight.
Inb4 'Nonna' saying that they take the pet back and let another knight adopt it.
I've received confirmation from Nonna that removing one from your armor sends the monster off into the Clockworks to live a happy life :)
Which means they're going to be slaughtered by feral monsters or a spiral party. AKA PAINFUL DEATH.
Me thinks this cunning plan wasn't thought all the way through.
Maybe the Chromalisks are going to Treasure Vaults. No one ever tries to go to those, so they'd have plenty of time to live a happy life.
Expose baby monster to violent acts against its own kind, then release it back into the wild..
What could possibly go wrong
Wait, so Nonna, as she says, runs an adoption plan... then when those monsters supposedly grow up, we then would free them in the Clockworks... so we would kill them ourselves? O_O
You know those bushes you hack and slash at whenever you enter forest levels? That's where the babies have been hiding this whole time.
I've received confirmation from Nonna that removing one from your armor sends the monster off into the Clockworks to live a happy life :)