i cant connect to it! now where am i ganna get my fix?
is the server down?
Yeah I can't connect either, just checked for you.
If people are still playing, maybe only login server is failing.
I cant connect either, routing problems then ??
it's updating, lol. give it a few minutes.
Yeah, I was disconnected briefly after the message "The servers are not being restarted!" or something to those ends, so... this was an intentional restart. Guess we just gotta wait for it to come back up. :)
Would be nice to read anouncements of updates, just wasted energy going into tier and getting logged out.
We're doing a few maintenance bits as well as the release. It'll be up pretty soon folks!
Any idea when release notes will be available, Poseidon?
that was five days ago, evning. or 4.5. but definitely more than a few and not tonight's. :)
god i hope we get global trade chat in this one, or dare i dream, auction house.
Thanks for the info Poseidon. :D
What? Was I the only one who noticed red text in the chat box that was something like "Announcement: The servers will be restarted in [15/10/5/2] minutes for an update."?
Shani, updates normally take less than half a minute to go live.
Though, Pos, it'd be nice to announce there will be extra downtime ahead of time before I waste a good half hour pushing F5.
That is what happened to me. And i made a suggestion about it.
Ah, gotcha. Good to know how fast the updates are though; I haven't present for one. I'm rather used to games that update taking a few hours of downtime. =P
Ooooh, that sucks. Didn't really think that somebody would have timing that incredibly bad. Sorry!
How long is the extra downtime o.o
Gms love impatient gamers lol
Yep it's up. Apologies for the down time!
Guild hall issue fixed, and trade channel now global are a couple of the changes tonight. We'll get some release notes up once all info is gathered.
Guys. You have to close the game and reopen it so it downloads the update and lets you connect.
I was aware that it was goign to close the first time.
But i just got kicked off the game.
I tried logging in again and its no use..
Dont worry,Just try again in 10 minutes.
Already did the updates, was on for about 2 seconds, afterwhich dc'd me again, and now can't connect.
Same headed straight for jelly and got booted, might as well give OOO a couple hours to sort it all out.
Logged in after the updates, moved around for a bit, saw all the spam, jumped into a friends game and I get dc-ed.
Login shows 'Failed to connect to server'
Thats exactly what i was going to do.
Tier 2?
Servers up?
Then maybe we cant get on because there are hordes of people trying to log on at the same time?
It seems going down a gate is currently a DC-cause, and until the server notices you've been dropped you can't get back in.
Going back to town after a JK run caused me to DC as well.
What so if i enter a gate i will DC?
Since i just got in the game.
If so.
I like walking around,I could run some errands :D
I made it in once, but the level I spawned it had no exit lift. Then I exited to Haven and tried to start again and I got the same problem everyone else has.
Let's just sit tight folks; it might be a bit before the dev team can get their hands on the matter. Think of all the mist energy you'll gain. :)
Im gonna run around the game.
If you see me say hi :D
My name is sakisaka
join a freinds game if hes in one.
I got in a game liek that
Really? I just finished a T2 run with no problems. Guess I'm just lucky.
Servers seem to be UP for the purposes of logging in and being at Haven, however choosing to enter a gate appears to cause players to simply get disconnected from the game right now.
No, it works, but there are problems with entering dungeons - the game disconnects when you try to enter gate... i'm not sure if this affects everyone though.
It's not even letting me log on, even after a restart...Down For Everyone is claiming that spiralknights.com is also down, although I've had no problems with the website.
Edit: login servers seem fine now.
I got as far as to the Character select screen.. When I clicked on my Character, I was sent back to log in screen..
Now I can't log in at all.. It just says "Faild to connect to server"
Every time I finish a run and try to return to haven I get logged out and can't log back in for about 20 minutes... pretty annoying.
The server isn't down.
You're imagining things.