Warhammer! Death to the false emperor!
Warhammer! Death to the false emperor!
Haha, I know smurfs are BAMFs though, along with the Blood Angels. Too bad Sanguinius was killed :(
Contrary to popular belief, ultramarine is a real color that existed before your bad game.
Contrary to popular belief, ultramarine is a real color that existed before your bad game.
Not only did you not read the ONLY TWO COMMENTS above yours, but you're also slandering a game without even providing reason.
Just for trivias sake, has anyone ever heard of Blood Ravens before Dawn of War? Because I had NEVER heard of them. Their symbol looks like a cross between Blood Angels and that Black Raven Leigion.
If you read the Lexicanum they hint that their Primarch was one of the two that they have no information on. I believe they were created as a new Legion so THQ could have a field day and make whatever lore they wanted to about an unknown chapter.
@Seregal : I'm just a big Warhammer nerd so it made me smile even though they just ment the color blue. Also there is a guild running around named Adeptus Astartes so just a lot of references -Also meh dude is Mortarion >:3-
He's possibly referring to Dawn of War, which a lot of people do. The same people also do not realise that this game has been around for like 30 years now, because it is amazing.
The legion founded by Roboute Guilliman wase named after the colour, not the other way around. But it's still pretty awesome :P