Hey, searched around the forum and didn't find any satisfactory answers, so...
Can anyone tell me if a UV bonus completely replaces an item's natural bonus, or is simply added to it?
For example, if a Cold Iron Carver (natural bonus, dmg vs undead: High) gets a uv (dmg vs undead: Low), does the Carver end up with a Low, High, or Very High bonus? I would assume it must be Very High, but I'm not certain. More importantly...
What about if the UV contradicts an existing negative bonus?
For example, if a Chaos Cowl (natural bonus, -resist vs Shock: Med) gets a uv (resist vs Shock: High), does the Cowl end up with a -resist: Med, or a resist: Low, or High? I would definitely guess that the final result would be on the positive side, but I've no idea if it's Low or High.
I've also heard that complimentary bonuses from multiple items cannot exceed Maximum, so does that mean a single item cannot exceed Maximum bonus?
Any thoughts about or experience with the subject would be appreciated.
(Note: If any of the posted item bonuses are incorrect, forgive me. I tried to use the data that appeared in the wiki)
Edit: Original math ignored 'Very High'. Woops.