I've been thinking about mini games for a long time and I've seen lots of them in some other games. So why don't we think of some mini games that might excite OOO of putting it in Spiral Knights, so that will have more fun stuff to do and not get bored after missions. (mini games cost 40 crowns only)
Mini Games

A game within a game that costs crowns to play? Have you heard of Blast Network or Lockdown?

the difference is that you don't have to revive or something. And this idea was to class up the game for newbies. And Lockdown and Blast Network ARE PVP!!!
I'm talking about mini games here!!!

I agree. But I still like the it to revolve around PVP and I have an idea that has a little of both.
A while back I saw a thread containing some early concept art of a spiral knight... with a LANCE. We're all knights here aren't we? Why not have a jousting game? It would still be PVP but without reviving because it would consist of multiple bouts/volleys/rounds (whatever) and who ever wins the most wins the match, simple enough, right? Since the rounds and matches are so short it should be cheap like 40cr mentioned by OP. The mini game would be between only 2 players (which is perfect for settling personal scores between 2 people if you ask me) I'm not sure what we would use as mounts. Probably a variety of monsters preferably a quadruped like a wolver or chromalisk. Whether theses have an effect on the game play or are cosmetics is debatable.
Its just an idea, a little elbow grease from some others would be nice