Not to name the various titles that would drain the gamer base, just asking who is worried or see it coming. And what you think OOO should do at this point to brace for impact.
Who is worried about massive player drain this summer?
Hey, I've seen you jaunting around in Haven a lot. You're totally not inactive!
or what different stuff should be added to SK?
I think OOO is not working hard on any BIG update soon to come out! Why do you think they have had these pets, and UV's and Blast Processing updates so quickly after one another? Because they've been working on them for awhile, instead of working on some BIG update to come out. you see. So they have something in the works but it looks its just some update note fillers to make us think they are doing something to make gameplay more fun while in fact those are just fillers to make us wait and wait meanwhile being tempted on every step to spent $$$, waiting for the thing that will never come (aka the Core open myth)!
Just because they send out these miniupdates doesn't mean they have something BIG in the works.
They are obviously working something BIG. Yep, Rainbow Rose Regelia! 200k CE a piece.
I really hope OOO does something quick or they're gonna lose 50% or more of their players. :(
OOO κάνετε καλύτερα κάτι γρήγορο, ή πρόκειται να χάσουν όλα τους παίκτες σας.
I think the counter is:
A big sale to go along with the steam 1 year anniversary of this game (because the Steamers matter too y'know). Preferably during whenever Steam will have their summer sales. Probably the next expansion mission to go along with that and of course more costumes. However, considering that time will also be very special, I expect a mass load of free content as well so a lot of free missions, maybe new bosses, and weapons. Who knows, they might even pull out the core lol.
@Asukalan they can add some new monsters, they exist in the game files since last year or longer, like the Tortodrone and the reapers. the actual mini updates look like things they do per week appart of the work on the big updates, but they can ever do simple stuff to make a big change like put al the shadow keys cost 100 or 200 CE and then every buddy can get an easy acces to shadow lair or even make the DLC OPC accesible via normal keys or other type of keys
If all the whiny ragers leave who will do all the whiny raging?
Steam Summer sales, if they have objectives like previous big sales, could be an opportunity for them to force steamers to spend money on their dlc :P
Let the fireworks begin! : Battle and defeat Warmaster Seerus on any difficulty (that battle is full of explosions/lights) / Obtain a Rocket Hammer, any star.
With a discount added, those fools always buy (lol I'm one of them). And they may decide to play a bit more since they'd already be paid accounts anyway.
To make the actual playerbase happy, finish investigating (lol) and introduce the solution to non steamers to trade for the dlc, and everyone happy. ooo gets money, f2p gets dlc, p2p sells dlc, steam wave gets to play actually fun parts of the game, not just beg for a firecracker / throw an snowball and leave, cant think of true downsides at the moment.
If they take any of this however keep in mind they have to do all the steps, not just one, for the best effect, and possibly add to whatever i missed.
don't hipster! WE LOVE YOUUUUUU, just kidding lol, but seriously, you leaving?
I'm not lol. All the people who want 9000 everything for free will be gone, so good for us.
When SK lose people, it's likely going to lose the upper tier players (i.e. the people who actually buy CE to fund the economy).
Nick, when that happens, do you have a contingency plan? The last 3-4 patches are very disappointing. We have enough accessories already. Please work on the story and game play more.
If Ian needs something to do, you can ask him to refine Haven's graphics. That's one area everyone will spend a considerable amount of time on and it would definitely helps if it looks superb.
There aren't even very many people here who wouldn't stay.
I can't say I'm "worried" since I will be a part of that drain. Not really because of a lack of new content (though that doesn't help) but because I've moved on to another game getting released in a few days. It's just the circle of.....gaming I guess. You play one game to death then move on to another. I know OOO is hard at work on a "top secret" project which is likely going to be another expansion mission. Although I do look forward to seeing what they have in store, standing around in haven is getting old because I cba to run FSC for the billionth time. I definitely won't be gone forever, and I'm sure the others leaving during the drain will likewise come back for new content.
Edit: Also rofl @ Ian "needing something to do". Do you people really think the devs just sit on their hands all day long?
It's meant to be a satire. I'm sure if these folks want to keep their jobs, they have to keep themselves occupied. Nothing wrong to put in a few suggestion to the decision maker on how to better utilize his manpower.
But yea, Nick are you listening? People who paid money for this game are disappointed in the so-called releases in the past month or so. We have enough accessories, so please tune it down.
Does less players = cheaper AH prices?
So a load of annoying people are leaving? (and some not, I'll miss those guys) Good.
And I ain't worried. Not in the slightest.
~The Mighty WeeGee
LittleBigKarting might come out in the Summer, sooooo...Yeah...
With said games coming out, I'll probably end up cutting back on playing this game for a little bit, but none of those titles, at least those that I'm aware of, are even making me consider quitting Spiral Knights.
The only game I'm going to get this summer is Starbound. But that probably won't come out till August. Until then I will be playing SK and TF2, with a little Minecraft and maybe Terraria.
Mygmar, don't mind Asukalan. He hates OOO. Which leads to the question of why he plays SK.
Back on track, I don't really care. If there are less players, big deal. Won't affect my gameplay (too much. :/)
they better drop that update by 5/14.
I'll be playing diablo. I'll be using master-merchant status to make real world $$$ on diablo. I'm interested to see if this will be pocket change or if it will == real world income?
Do you people really think the devs just sit on their hands all day long?
Well when you put it that way...
Not me!
I know OOO is working hard on that BIG update soon to come out! Why do you think they have had these pets, and UV's and Blast Processing updates so quickly after one another? Because they've been working hard on them for awhile. you see. So they have something in the works! Just be Yoda, be patient!
Just because they send out these miniupdates doesn't mean they prioritize these extras, just that they already were working on them.
EDIT~ 4:35 PM
I'm just being hopeful Asukalan!