Guardians of dusk [GoD] is recruiting.
Hello, I am Bogdly, one of the guild masters of Guardian of Dusk.
Do you want to be a part of a rising tier 2 guild? Do you want to join with fellow players to complete all the 'rank' missions? Are you doing your daily mist energy mission runs and saving up your energy for better gear?
Come and join our tier 2 guild and help us accomplish these goals.
Do you want to join our guild?
- Visit our guild page on the wiki: "
- Contact one of the guild masters or officers in game.
- Bogdly
- Celestialsurge
- Darkonium (player)
- King-Bleh
- Rune-Mage
- Bigbadhero
- Brotherharaldus
- Orvar-Den-Store
- Rain-Flarestorm
- Yoyodonuts
Guild Master(s):
Guild Officer(s):
You can't join if you are in T3? That's a bit of a turn off in my opinion.