Hi everyone. I just started playing afew days ago and have really been enjoying the game, but I had afew questions I was hoping that some more experinced players would be able to answer.
1. what are the gear teirs and where can I find them? I understand that I need them to reach new area's but I'm not 100% on where they are listed.
2. are crafting and usable items picked up in a free for all style or are they only availible to whoever kills the monster that dropped it? as I was playing I would either randomly receive an item or when trying to pick one up it would go to another player. I just want to make sure i'm not stealing someone's loot.
3. does crafting give any bonuses over purchasing the same item from a vendor?
I'm sure that the answers to thes questions were given to me in-game but I was alittle impaticent and was not quite as attentive as I should have been. if there is alrady a topic for this you are more then welcome to post a link to it.
1. Drop your cursor over the armor and it should have 5 stars at the bottom right, the number of stars that have color is the tier your armor has. You may buy some from the Bazaar (shopping area in Haven) or if they're not listed in those buyers you'll have to get them from a seller that is located either at depths: 4, 13 and 23, you might also get gear drops from monsters, altough it's rare.
2. I'm not sure but I'm convinced that it's random to who goes the item, even if it's you picking it up it might go to someone else.
3. Yes, they might give you an item with UV (unique variants, which are additional bonuses to the gear) and it's cheaper.