President of the United States, Obama, lamented over my decision to quit. Jesus shook his head in disappointment. I totally make an impact upon this game, there will never be anyone else who decides to play this game and decide to spend money upon it, my leaving of this game will definitely impact us all. I was entitled to have OOO cater only to me! This game was the meaning of my life, and now, it is over...
... For real.
i quit!!!!

I'm not sure if you got the joke or not. I'm thinking you didn't.

As a community of wallet-emptying players, we must take a stand against corporate greed.
How dare this notion of making money ever come through?

Now that Eins-Zwei-Drei is quitting, SK is downrocketing.
OOO is making teh biggest mistake of their lives. TEH BIGGEST!

Cocosnake, stop making new threads!

Right, because I'm definitely gonna miss you...... >_>

The apocalypse is approaching, they have bought enough energy to CE Revive Arkus, the Core is malfunctioning, CoD games are actually becoming oriented to adults, the Cautery Sword is no longer that sword that people jokingly refer to as the 'best sword' due to its godly 10* upgrade with purchase of chocolate lunar lockboxes, King Tinkinzar has revealed his face to the commonfolk of Emberlight, deviantArt artists became 1% smarter, robots are becoming president, and Sonic and Mario are no longer playing in the Olympics with eachother.
OOO. Do you see what you have done? These updates that caused me to leave, caused not only Spiral Knights to downrocket, but the entire PLANET as well. Way to go. We wallet-dumping players could have helped you prevent this. But you drove us away.

Lame thread. Lame posts. Lame alt. Lame troll. Get a sense of humor and try again.
You are not clever. You are not a winner.

so random xD lolz
*holds up spork* ^_~
lol, nice one