So today in Chemistry class we were doing a lab with acid/base indicators. One of them was named bromothymol blue and was labelled on the bottle BTB. Obviously I immediately thought of a Barbarous Thorn Blade. So now here I am looking up alternatives to the list of commonly used abbreviations on the wiki. Enjoy!
AoA: Ash of Agni or Administration on Aging
AP: Argent Peacemaker or Advanced Placement
BC: Blackened Crest or Before Christ
BTS: Barbarous Thorn Shield or Bureau of Transportation Statistics
DA: Divine Avenger or District Attorney
DR: Dark Reprisal or Doctor
CIC: Cold Iron Carver or Commander In Chief
CIV: Cold Iron Vanquisher or 104
CoA: Crest of Almire or Coenzyme A
DVS: Dread Venom Striker or DVShoes
FoV: Fang of Vog or Field of Vision
GF: Gran Faust or girlfriend
GOS: Grey Owlite Shield or Galactooligosaccharides
LB: Leviathan Blade or pound
RSS: Radiant Sun Shards or Really Simple Syndication
SB: Shivermist Buster or antimony
SSB: Swiftstrike Buckler or Super Smash Bros.
VV: Venom Veiler or W
VPS: Volcanic Plate Shield or Virtual Private Server
WRH: Warmaster Rocket Hammer or Waterford Regional Hospital
TL;DR? SUMMARY: abbreviations are fun when used in real life
BTB=bromthymol blue
who does this? I'd expect "hey give me that indicator" or "hey give me the bromthymol" but not "BTB PLOX".