Just post your biggest SK-related moments on this thread for all to see! I will also be posting random vids aswell so you guys don't feel uncomortable, just as soon as I record them! XD
Just post your biggest SK-related moments on this thread for all to see! I will also be posting random vids aswell so you guys don't feel uncomortable, just as soon as I record them! XD
I bought.....
A gold chapeau for 15k cr.
A miracle hood with verticle vents and toasty glasses for 36k cr.
It's true.
bought DA with CTR high for 13kce
bought shivermist with ctr vh for 30kce
bought snarbolax with shadow high for 8kce
bought sniped hat for 200kcr
bought extra shorts for 200kcr-1mcr each (got 7 total)
sold acheron CTRVH+ASIVH for 100kce
finally got to and beat mission 9-3 King of Ashes, even with a 4th person afk/disconnected. get to the core and do my (habitual) kill-myself-with-a-gran-faust, only to suddenly realize the elevator will NOT move if everybody is dead.
oh, and i didnt have enough CE to revive.
epic fail.
Well, I got a sealed sword yesterday.
*Huge smile*
I sold...a...BRANDISH WITH UV! ISNT THAT AWESOME!?!?!?!?! and it was a low construct UV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!