suck it up, you're bound by the terms of service. OOO reserves the rights to do anything to the game.
just quit if you want. there's plenty of other games out there. even better, there's real life.
suck it up, you're bound by the terms of service. OOO reserves the rights to do anything to the game.
just quit if you want. there's plenty of other games out there. even better, there's real life.
haha, that is true. though most of the threads like these have like a wall of text that would make readers go TL;DR.
better to keep it short and simple. straight to the point, no kissing any ass.
>"straight to the point, no kissing any ass."
>"suck it up... OOO reserves the rights to do anything to the game."
Yeah... Sure...
I agree with hippo. ☆
And btw, although OOO reserves the rights to do anything to the game. As a customer, our arguments will change the game, making it better for us and better ingame experience for future players as well.
"just quit if you want. there's plenty of other games out there. even better, there's real life."
Customers don't want to quitting because they spent a lot of money in this game, that is why they argue, to balance or change the game.
rights reserved to F over any player they wish. F'ing fantastic. whatever
@Keelan: TOS section 16, 19, 20, 21. if you can't read that, quit gaming and go back to school.
@Ibubble: i also agree with that, but we all know we can't do anything.
Yeah I know... but sometime it works...
Example: The smilies typed into chat may be transformed into an appropriate emote UI :\ Probably it was only a 5 minute work so they didnt care about removing it... @_@
I am pretty sure telling me to "go back to school" is a violation of several service terms, too...
But, you know, I don't care for whatever makes you feel comfortable wrapping yourself up in the big cozy blanket of your opinions on customer satisfaction: that any group of persons who briefly employs use from a service is considered said service's slave until his or her time on Earth expires, and that they aren't allowed to state possible amends to problems that the service has been giving them. No less is a pure self-sustaining buinsess that runs on its own ideals of improving said services exists so that it can appeal to more consumers and gain an extended duration of support from a satisfied customer and eventually make profit.
However, you will have no idea what I just said above and copy and paste a couple phrases from a set of rules to a reply so you can sound partly correct...
I have no idea how to respond to that considering I'm a girl. ._.
Would you like to kindly answer the question you asked me, or are we done here?
woman, welcome to the internet, which is a forest full of trolls that feed on little kids like you. (P.S. you do have a really big e-peen)
You didn't tell me the answer to my question so I'm going to pose it again.
Considering you are most likely a preteen male, kindly answer the question you asked me, in your stead, please.
ok, i'll be serious for once. you do notice that this is a troll thread right? i'm pretty sure you don't have a lot of exposure to posts like these, that's why you're reacting that way.
i answered your question in your previous post: (P.S. you do have a really big e-peen). don't really care if you're a girl or not, in the internet, everybody is equal (or maybe). if you need help with internet language, e-peen usually refers to pride over stuff over the internet.
i'm sorry, but you're quite fresh here in the internet. you'll just get devoured by trolls. i advise you to sit back and just watch people and learn the ways of a troll, and how to avoid them. (optional: be a troll yourself)
Aaaand, Reiyu is falling back on the old excuse of "OMG guiz, calm down, I wuz only trolling. GTFO noobs, you all obviously dont understand internetz."
Real trolls never admit it.
haha, too soft to be a real troll sadly. but nevertheless, hopefully the main topic is not to be forgotten.
@Shoebox: that made my day. seriously. lol.
Thats unfortunatly true.
They can like relase super extra patch and CE promotion today, that will everyone buy in massive amounts spending total of thousands of $$$ on it, and next day, with the premission of TOS OOO will just close the game leaving us with nothing and move on to make another better game using us just as moneymaking machine for the new project.
@Asukalan: your theory may have some truth about it (OOO milking funds from Spiral Knights to get R&D for Dr. Who)
nevertheless... we got no choice do we?
Wait, backing out of this and brushing it all off like you were just joking to sound like you actually wanted to have this thread serve no purpose is quite silly.
If you, acting as a crazed homicidal maniac, were to approach an old man in a public place with you carrying a baseball bat and have it raised over your head shouting "Hey man I'm gonna kill you!", and then your victim pulls out a loaded gun in defense, you can't just say "Hold on bro I was just trolling you" and expect everyone to brush off your threat and shake hands. You're probably getting your mug shot taken in a police station in a few hours afterward.
The unfortunate thing is that the situation I just mapped out for you is in real life, and while you think you can have fun getting people to overreact to you on the internet, perhaps you don't have much more of a life as you say you have. o_o
"(optional: be a troll yourself)"
So you metaphorically want me running around city streets pretending to threaten people so I can "learn" something out of all of this? Whatever you say, man, in order to make yourself look like you're not a bad guy.
whining about whining is whining.
it's all the same.
@OP I agree with you on both fronts.
OOO does have the right to do whatever they want, and people can quit and enjoy real life.
Only point you are missing is customer satisfaction. I don't feel like typing any more, since you probably already know where I am going. Customer satisfaction = more $ for OOO, less Customer satisfaction = people quitting and OoO losing $. Clearly, OOo wants $, so they need customer satisfaction.
Whiners are just customers giving feedback on how to improve the game in their view.
Oh my gawsh, SERIOUSLY? There is more of these damn stop whining threads then the actual whining threads.
I'm whining about the threads that are whining about the whining.
As much as there's so call whining threads out there, there are heaps of threads like this as well.
I wonder which is worse.