Feeding the flames, Seregal. Feeding the flames. Can't we douse it out a little for an honorable martyring?..

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade <3
20k i'll never get back from buying recipes i got from missions & didn't remember i already had these. NPCs reselling 4* recipes for 10crs. Giirrll you know how it is!! *snaps finger*

Faked gear is real gear now. Ride the new economical changes or just jump off. Loyalty to OOO gets you no where. It's beating the system that counts. It's mastering the system.

Sent a friend request @ ya Pawn. Making that lemonade is funner with friends.

Play to win?
False, that's even worse than SK. You can't even pay to win - you have to have been born South Korean.

I empathize that you've spent time and money on the game.
I empathize that UV locking has harmed your wonderful ego.
I empathize that UV locking has caused MORE BABY QQ'ing THAN EVER!
If you were so worried about your investments being well-spent you should've put em in a portfolio of stocks or a few solar panels for free energy or something else. Besides, the unofficial rule of all gaming investments is and I quote:
"All investments are made in the confidence for the return of entertainment. If said entertainment is not achieved, then GTFO of that game. And not waste time QQ'ing over how your effort has been wasted." You wanna know how I KNEW this patch was coming? Check the suggestions board once in awhile. If you see something you don't like specifically state you don't like it.
Granted, pets have been included in the game, but purely as an aesthetic AS THE COMMUNITY REQUESTED! Granted Uv locking came into place, AS THE COMMUNITY REQUESTED! And granted, size changes have come into place... owait... there's a pattern here. Community as a whole requests something.... something is done.... OMYGAWD!
This isn't intended to be a personal attack... this is intended to be a message to every-(expletive chain deleted)-person QQ'ing about the recent changes. Don't whine because an online game changed. /end vent

Okay Pawn, you have reached new levels of selfishness.
You, in post #51, have outright stated that you don't care about anyone else because it allows others to reach the same level of power of you. You still have the gear you earned, and you're going to quit because someone else bought it? I don't see why anyone should feel at all sympathetic for how selfish and ignorant of the majority of the players because of your rage.

i'ts hyperbole to match the patch. Talk to my ingame friends or friend me if you want a real perspective. Thats the worst part. I'm a supporter :(
Well, i said i was trying to garner hate...#misguided

A real perspective from someone who is already on your side? What part of the patch matches that contradiction? If you really did care and support the majority of the players, you wouldn't have raged when something good happened for them.
EDIT since you ninja'd me with that last post - You have enough hate, and you might as well just leave. OOO isn't going to satisfy your desires now that you have raged countless times, violated many rules, and show no regard for the overall game quality. If it is really just a ban you want to put the final nail in the coffin for your rage, then get banned in-game. You aren't influencing people, and you aren't getting banned. What are you accomplishing?

And I would be raging too. But in the interests of fairness, I must point out, as others have, that this isn't a case off OOO caring about pure profits and disregarding individuals. This is a case where the interests of one bloc of players is in direct conflict with the interests of another bloc of players. You guys, and everyone else who's spent a fortune on triple- or even double-rolling, are justifiably pissed. But this "idiot with a credit card" (actually, a merchant like you, just late to the game) benefits. So does every other *individual* who couldn't afford your kind of leet gear before, and now can.
I'm not saying this is a reason for you to calm down and be cool with it--why should you be the one to lose out, and I the one to benefit, right? I just don't think it's as one-sided as OOO screwing a few loyal players for profits. It's more like OOO screwing those few loyal players to give other players (who are individuals too, not just an undifferentiated mass) something that will improve their game experience significantly. (Oh, and profits. Probably.)
You're still screwed, and you still have a right to be angry. But just as I can't really know what it feels like to be in your position, you can't know what it feels like to be a middling or new player right now and to suddenly have awesome UVs within reach. And it feels pretty damn good.*
*Aside from the thousands of CE I wasted buying lesser triple-UVs cast off by players like you. And aside from my knowledge of the distress the change is causing long-time players like you. Those parts kind of suck.

Rich players will still roll 2-3 UVs regardless of this patch.
The not-so players will now be tempted to roll, where as before the patch they probably wouldn't.
Hence, bigger CE sink!
double post ftl