this is insane. why do i get returned to haven every time your crappy servers disconnect me? it causes a serious loss of energy every time this happens and because of this i will NEVER consider paying real money for energy because i'd be paying OOO money just to have the instability of OOO's servers throw it away for me...
why for the love of god am i placed back in haven on a DC?
yes i realise its just tough luck. but realy i would never be happy to p2p this game when some of what iv payed for will just be thrown away atleast once per session... and i log in through steam so iv never had the liberty of logging in fast enough to still be where i was seeing as steam loggin seems to go between 2 states: horrificaly slow and impossible.

If you got the expansion, you would be P2P AND won't have the blunt end(Ele pass and CE).
I think..

Get that fracking timer removed OOOs.

You dont get auto removed to haven when you DC.
There are two things that will make you go back to haven/kicked:
1st. When you are idle for 15 minutes - it does not matter if you are in game or you are dced, you will be kicked from game and you will log in back in haven
2nd. When you will deconnect from game, you will be auto transferred to haven only when:
- you are on party lobby
- you are in party and all of the players will stomp on elevator, they will ride down but you will be kicked to haven and after 15 minutes logged off
Also i think you will be removed back to haven if you crash during loading?? not confirmed
So, its not "always" people DC on purpose to restart computer, close something or just to go afk and dont be a trouble for party (alternative to dying).

You get killed, there is a 3min timer. Disconnection & you are dead = Respawn in Haven.

You mean when you are solo? Because when you are not solo and die, while others are still alive there is no 3 min counter.
But when you are solo.... you did it at your own risk, blame only yourself.

Also i think you will be removed back to haven if you crash during loading?? not confirmed
Nah, that works like a normal in-level DC. When you get back into the game it starts loading you back into the level you were previously heading into.
and i log in through steam so iv never had the liberty of logging in fast enough to still be where i was seeing as steam loggin seems to go between 2 states: horrificaly slow and impossible.
Isn't that a problem with Steam then? When I've been DCed I've never had a problem in logging back in quick enough to reload back where I previously was.

If Steam had a network problem that logs you out, it can log you out of SK.
This is why so many steam users were having problems when SK first came on to Steam.
By now, this is mostly fixed, I hardly ever hear about that happening to people. Most often when I lose connection to Steam when my net is fine, I don't get booted from SK at all.
If you disconnect from the server, but not Steam, it's just a matter of logging back in again. Usually that's fast.
If your own internet connection goes out, you have to log in to Steam before you can log in to SK.
More than a few times I've had Steam derp so hard when my net has gone down that it actually takes long enough to get logged back in that the timer expires and I get dropped back in Haven.
That said, this isn't SK's fault. Unless the OP is having an issue that's totally separate from any of these (and it doesn't sound different) the problem is with Steam and ONLY Steam.
If it helps, next time it happens try actually exiting Steam rather than waiting for it to reconnect, if that's what you're doing.
Sometimes Steam can time out and not even realize that you're logged out, and doesn't try to log you back in for a while.
That said, Asuka is incorrect. I have lost connection playing solo very, very many times since I started playing SK, and as long as I get reconnected in a reasonable amount of time I am placed back in my level and I don't even lose my heat.
Asuka, please stop acting like such a bitter troll. There's a difference between posting helpful or informative information (even if you are posting incorrect information) and posting just to try to make someone who's having problems and is frustrated already feel even worse.
How could there be a reason to tear into the guy?
Tough luck.
I had this plenty of times.
Must be your server.
If you reconnect quick enough, you can reconnect in the place you were.