As we all see there is a lot of discussion lately about the quality/intentions of recent patches and updates.
I know a lot of people believe staunchly that OOO is on a downward spiral (pun intended), and a lot of other people believe they are just blowing this all out of proportion. Both sides have legitimacy to their claims however one singular fact remains true, there must be more emphasize on real* in-game content.
*Real in-game content meaning content that effects game-play, ex. New Bosses, New Stratums, New Monsters. Content that is available to all players. Content that is not an added "Expansion", it should be part of the game, not a completely seperated expansion pack.
Yes, Crimson Hammer is a great step in the right direction, however hiding it behind the guise of a P2P "Expansion" pulls it from the "End-game" content category into the "Expansion Pack" category, which is not available to all players.
So we can all sit and rage about OOO, or you can post about how funny it is that everyone is raging, however what we all can agree on is that more real* in-game content is something we can all enjoy. Having halos, pets and balancing weapons is nice, but it would just be nice to know that other things are in development besides the aesthetics.
TLDR;We need real* in-game content, content like new bosses, new stratums, new monsters.
Yes, this has been said many times in the rage threads and by myself in one of them as well. But it's still very very right.