my wallet is ready just give me all you got
come on OOO bring on that delicious DLC

PLEASE!!!! Bring on the new Expansion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, i bring new Expansion Mission pack, i want to see your arrogant lie one more time, i want to see how Nick says "oh we are not sure if its even possible to implement expansion pack trading in official webclient but 'we are working on it' "
Or maybe one more time the Expansion Mission will be listed as "buyable with CE" but then changed to "avaliable with purchase" who knows?

While you're entiteled to your opinion, Asuka... That's pretty rude.
I don't normally waste my time telling people to watch what they say on the forum, there is at least one person on OOO payroll who does that, and many other forumites who make a point of it too... but wow.
To accuse someone of lying when you couldn't ever possibly have proof doesn't make THEM look arrogant.

If OOO would want from very beginning to make F2P players be able to BUY Expansion Mission with CE and not being forced to register in third party application (even not from other players, but from NPCs so reselling is not possible and all CE spent is reduced from marked increasing demand for CE) they would make it like that from very beginning using the system that already exist in game.
They took the other way, they lied that its gonna be buyable with CE and then changed it to available with purchase in last moment. They created problem by themselves and now pretend they dont know if its POSSIBLE to make Expansion Mission buyable with CE. Its not about that 'it may take time', its about that they leave them an excuse by saying 'they dont know if its possible'.
They just didnt cared about F2P players or maybe got even paid by Steam to transfer as much players as they can to Steam.

That's not what you said above.
You said that Nick was lying and that OOO was arrogant when they said that they would work on seeing if it could become tradeable (you haven't yet said how you know that they're not working on this. You just repeat again that it's a lie with no sort of proof.)
THAT is what I'm telling you you went overboard with, aside from the fact that the rest of your post was incredibly rude, even IF it was true and verifiable (which it wasn't.)
As for the expansion not being available as initially advertised, I shouldn't need to point that sometimes things just don't go as planned. It seems pretty evident that when they first spoke about how the expansion could be made available, they PROBABLY intended to make it available with CE as they suggested (not promised.)
But you know what? It obviously didn't work out. Whether they found there was a legal complication with it somehow, a problem with validating a purchase like that in game with CE, or they were told by Sega or by Steam that that was unacceptable for some reason, or even if it was a technical reason - it simply didn't work out that way. As end consumers and players, we don't know why that happened.
Suggesting that it was simply a bait-and-switch approach is pretty naive. Honestly, if OOO was originally planning to only make it available through purchase (or Steam Trade) they had more than enough time planning release to think about it, and they're not morons. Even if that WAS the plan from the start, they would have known that that would make people MAD for being tricked, not make them want to buy the new expansion, and no one from OOO would have said that it would be available for purchase with CE.
TL;DR: Don't be abusive. Use your brain. Lets leave the rage out of a thread with no reason for rage - is it really necessary to poop all over everything positive that someone posts?
(Tempted to make a suggestion that "Use your brain." is added as a condition to the TOS. Then again, it might thin the player base down to virtually nothing really quickly and make for some very overworked GMs.)

What about the in-game trade feature so non-steam users could get it?
I know nick 'wasnt sure' if it was possible, but he never gave us an update on that. Like at least make an 'Im sorry' thread.

Where are you guys getting this info about a new DL- Errr... Expansion Mission?

When everything was announced Nick talked about expansions in plural as if they were making many of them. It's bound to happen.

if you say there will be more mission, you are getting my hopes up that there will be more in-game content. now thats not nice. you know im very sensitive to good news.
Before asukalan says it:
Not DLC; but Expansion Mission.