I'm not sure if anyone has done this yet... but I've been seeing a lot of "the DLC is steam only" kinda things on the forums lately.
Well... Here is a thread that can get non-steam players to buy the DLC.
Step 1. Log into your account on the SK site
Step 2. Click "My Account" near the top
Step 3. See that image of the CE merchant? Click it!
Step 4. Select the payment type you will use. (Or click here -> https://billing.spiralknights.com/billing/shared/select_type.jspx)
Step 5. Select the DLC and purchase it!
Once again, sorry if this has already been said.
I'm just trying to help. :c
Time to rush in here before you get flammed or something:
The non-steam F2P community cannot enjoy the DLC since there is no way to trade it. (Since it requires actual money and some people do not want to spend money on an Online Game/are too young to purchase said things.)
People are asking for a Client to Trade the DLC but OOO currently has said "TBA"
It's not that they don't know how to Buy it, it's just that they don't want to with Real-Cash.