i have been feeling down lately about having any faith that the admin actually give us a voice to actually affect the products and projects that their working on. so i wanted to ask, do the admin's ever look at our suggestion post and if they do can anyone tell one or three things that they created because player voiced them out. Because im starting to get a feel that the admin's put that suggestion box just for us to talk among ourselves. I know that were just bystanders and were not doing any of the actual work and that they are the ones working and that they do not have to listen to anything we say, but i just want to feel like that suggestion box is there to just make fun of us and to just watch us try our best way to help them and dont even look at it. it really makes me mad that im starting to feel like all they care about is making money. i know that they need money to run the game, but when are they gonna give money a break and try to make the players happy? sorry im going overboard, all i wanted to ask again is does that suggestion box have any effect on the game.
ADmin priority
I think the media is just getting to you guys honestly. You see people rage so now you'll rage too since it's a faaadddd & all the cool kids are doing it! Yeah!
weapon patch made me happy.
in fact, it's partly what brought me back to playing SK again, lol.
the main difference is that they don't front-page and hype those things. they just happen, get a little sidenote, and bam, the game's changed (hopefully for the better).
im just not up to date with what player requested then, sorry my fault. I just want there to be more connection betwen us and the admins. i dontlike to feel that the things they give us are just there to make fun of us. i guess what im really asking for is a post board that shows what project the admins are working and it would not matter if they will come out or not. i jut wish they would show us what they think of out thoughts.
-about the weapon patch can you tell what wepons again that came out.
- about the ability to change our eyes, was that a normal update or did players reqested that from the sugestion box.
Go read the notes on wiki or in the annoucnement subforum.
Custom eyes was suggested multiple times, but without boxes and all that stuff.
i cant find the info, can u send me a link to it?
I take it you haven't Noticed the Ability to Change Our Eyes?