We have more pictures of this mighty guilds activeness, but ya.
Most Active Guild in History of Spiral Knights?

The most active guild ever is The Guild That Does Not Exist founded in [CLASSIFIED] by [CLASSIFIED], [CLASSIFIED], AND [CLASSIFIED]
Over time they absorbed several high ranking community members including [CLASSIFIED], [CLASSIFIED], [CLASSIFIED] and [CLASSIFIED].

MEGA ULTIMATE SUPPER actually holds the record. Sorry OP.
Jampire guys wrote a full article about it on their site.

Ooo nice Peaches I r Jelly =) don't read Jampire thread thing lol, but nice that took us about 30mins to pull-off well took them I was outside relaxing and all the sudden they yell at me to get back to Sk so evil

Yeah, 50 online is still crazy active! That's really cool that your friends pulled that off.

Ya we hit higher than that tho think it was around 70s from what Rep, posted, but honestly we don't know most of the kids who joined. Rep created the guild did some recruiting and ya....lol, but nice to see you guys having some fun for sure =).

Millions of peaches. Peaches for me. Millions of peaches. Peaches for free.
I like the cut of your jib.

I'd say the most active guild was one of the temporary guilds people make for fashion contests with like 90 people on at once.
You ACTUALLY made a guild named after yourself, and 77 people joined, 50 of them active?!?!?!?!!? O_O
Teach me. Please.